
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D06BB03
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 5 g of an acyclovir in 100 g of ointment.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The acyclovir shows activity concerning a virus of a herpes simplex (Herpes simplex) of type 1 and 2, a virus of shingles (Varicella zoster), and also Epstein-Burra's virus. The cytomegalovirus is less sensitive to action of an acyclovir. The molecular and biological mechanism of antiviral activity of an acyclovir is caused by competitive interaction with a virus thymidinekinase and consecutive phosphorylation with education mono - di - and triphosphate.
Triphosphate of an acyclovir is built in instead of a deoxyguanosine virus DNA, inhibits a DNA polymerase of the last and suppresses replication process. At herpes the acyclovir prevents formation of new elements of rash, reduces probability of skin dissimination and visceral complications, accelerates formation of crusts. Promotes decrease in pain in an acute phase of the surrounding herpes.
Pharmacokinetics. At local use practically does not come to a system blood stream.
Indications to use:
Ointment of an acyclovir is applied at the infections of skin and mucous membranes caused by a herpes simplex virus including primary and recurrent genital herpes; for prevention of the infections caused by a herpes simplex virus in patients with disturbances of immune system; at primary and recurrent infections caused by a shingles virus in patients without immunity disturbance.
Route of administration and doses:
Ointment of an acyclovir of 5% is applied outwardly. Drug five times a day with an interval of 4 hours inflict on the center defeats. A course of treatment — 5 — 10 days.
Features of use:
Treatment is recommended to be begun at emergence of the very first symptoms of a disease. Putting ointment is recommended to be carried out in rubber gloves for the purpose of prevention of infection of other sites of skin.
Side effects:
In isolated cases emergence of the local irritation of mucous membranes disappearing after drug withdrawal is possible. At prolonged use of ointment certain patients can have a peeling of small sites of skin.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use пробенецид reduces canalicular secretion of an acyclovir and by that increases concentration in a blood plasma and T1/2 of an acyclovir.
At simultaneous use of an acyclovir with nephrotoxic drugs the risk of development of nephrotoxic action increases (especially at patients with an impaired renal function).
Strengthening of effect of an acyclovir is noted at co-administration of immunostimulators.
When mixing solutions it is necessary to consider alkali reaction of an acyclovir for in/in introductions (рН 11).
The increased individual sensitivity to drug.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Ointment of 5% in aluminum tubas on 5 g.