Surgical interventions on an eyeglobe
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Operations on an eyeglobe make for the purpose of improvement or recovery of sight (for example, at a cataract, opacification of a cornea, short-sightedness, retina amotio), decrease in intraocular pressure (at glaucoma), recovery of the broken anatomical structures and sealing of an eyeglobe (at damages), and also at tumors. Use, as a rule, the microsurgical equipment, operative microscopes. At interventions on thin structures photocoagulation methods, especially use of lasers, ultrasound, use of low temperatures were widely adopted.
Operations on a sclera are in most cases plastic (scleroplasty). They are used at the progressing short-sightedness for strengthening of a back pole of an eye, at retina amotio. Besides, operative measures on a sclera can be one of operation stages on an eyeglobe (so-called diaskleralny operations). Treat them the section of a sclera (sclerotomy) which is applied, for example, at extraction of foreign bodys, removal of intraocular tumors; excision of the site of a sclera (scleroticectomy) and the trepanation of a sclera which are applied at a number of antiglaukomatozny operations.
Operations on an iris are performed with the medical and cosmetic purposes, for example at elimination of colobomas, correction or creation of a pupil, at an iridodialysis. Corectomy (excision of a part of an iris) is most widespread. It is carried out for the purpose of creation of an artificial pupil (optical corectomy), for release of an angle of iris and improvement of outflow of intraocular liquid, removal of new growths of an iris, can be combined with excision of a part of a ciliary body — an iridotsiklektomiya. In some cases make an iridotomy — an iris section. At an iridodialysis hem an iris root to a limb. At major posttraumatic defects apply an iridoplastika, an iridoprotezirovaniye.
Operations on a crystalline lens (removal) are shown at a cataract. Extraction can be carried out by an intrakapsulyarny or ekotrakapsulyarny method. Lack of a crystalline lens is compensated by points or contact lenses, and also special intraocular lenses which insert into eyes during operation.
Operations on a vitreous (for example, at a hemophthalmia, damages of a vitreous) include a section of films, crossing шварт. The vitreofagiya and a vitreoektomiya (fragmentation, aspiration and substitution of a vitreous) gain ground.
Retina operations apply usually at its amotio. At gaps it without amotio often use laser treatment.
Eye enucleation (removal of an eyeglobe) is shown at malignant tumors of an eye, at heavy traumatic iridocyclites, at extensive damages when it is impossible to recover its integrity. With the cosmetic purpose enter pieces of the fatty tissue taken from the patient, tinned cartilaginous tissue or alloplastichesky synthetic materials into a cavity of a tenonovy fascia. In 4 — 5 days after enucleation make prosthetics.
Evisceration of an eyeglobe (removal of a cornea with the subsequent extraction of contents of an eyeglobe) is applied at a panophthalmia to prevent distribution of purulent exudate to an eye-socket cavity.

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