
Producer: OY Santen (JSC Sangteng) Finland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01AX19
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 5,12 mg of a levofloksatsin of a gemigidrat that corresponds to 5 mg of a levofloksatsin.
Excipients: a benzalkoniya chloride, sodium chloride, Acidum hydrochloricum, sodium hydroxide, water for and.
Antibacterial eye drops of group of ftorkhinolon.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Antimicrobic drug from group of ftorkhinolon. Levofloxacin - L-isomer of racemic medicinal substance of an ofloksatsin. Antibacterial activity of an ofloksatsin belongs, mainly, to L-isomer. Levofloxacin blocks DNK-girazu and topoisomerase IV, breaks superspiralling and a stitching of ruptures of DNA, suppresses DNA synthesis, causes profound morphological changes in cytoplasm, a cell wall and membranes.
It is active concerning gram-negative aerobes: Branchamella (Moraxella) cataralis, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; gram-positive aerobes: Staphyloccocus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes.
Pharmacokinetics. After instillation in an eye levofloxacin well remains in the lacrimal film. In researches on healthy volunteers it was shown that the average concentration of a levofloksatsin in the lacrimal film measured in 4 and 6 h after topical administration made 17.0 mkg/ml and 6.6 mkg/ml respectively. At five of six examinees of concentration of a levofloksatsin made 2 mkg/ml and above in 4 h after instillation. At four of six examinees this concentration remained in 6 h after instillation.
Average concentration of a levofloksatsin at use of eye drops of Oftakviks in watery moisture it is statistically significant (р =0.0008) above average concentration of an ofloksatsin (1139.9 ± 717.1 ng/ml and 621.7 ± 368.7 ng/ml respectively). Average concentration of a levofloksatsin in a blood plasma in 1 h after use - from 0.86 ng/ml to 2:05 ng/ml.
Cmax of a levofloksatsin in plasma, equal 2.25 ng/ml, was revealed for the fourth days after 2 days of use of drug each 2 h to 8 times/days of Cmax of a levofloksatsin, reached for the fifteenth day, was more than 1000 times lower than the concentration which is noted after intake of standard doses of a levofloksatsin.
Indications to use:
— treatment of superficial bacterial infections of an eye at patients of 1 year is also more senior;
— prevention of complications after surgical and laser operational.
Route of administration and doses:
Locally, dig in in the affected eye. Within the first two days during wakefulness - each 2 h on 1-2 drops in the affected eye, to 8 times/days. From the 3rd to the 5th day of treatment - on 1-2 drops in the affected eye of 4 times/days.
Duration of a course of treatment is defined by the doctor and usually makes 5 days.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Eye drops of Oftakviks are contraindicated at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation (breastfeeding).
Use for children. With care it is necessary to use drug at children's age.
Eye drops of Oftakviks cannot be entered subkonjyunktivalno and directly into an anterior chamber of an eye.
At simultaneous use of other ophthalmologic means the interval between instillations has to make not less than 15 min.
Due to the existence in drug a chloride benzalkoniya eye drops should not be applied during carrying hydrophilic (soft) contact lenses.
To avoid pollution of a tip of a dropper and solution, it is not necessary to touch with a dropper tip periorbital fabrics.
Side effects:
Often (1-10%): a burning sensation in an eye, decrease in visual acuity, emergence mucous tyazhy.
Seldom (0.1-1%): the blepharitis, хемоз, papillary growths on a conjunctiva, swelled a century, unpleasant feelings in an eye, an itch in an eye, eye pain, a conjunctiva hyperemia, emergence of follicles on a conjunctiva, a syndrome of "a dry eye", an erythema a century, irritation of an eye, contact dermatitis, a photophobia and allergic reactions.
Others: during clinical tests - a headache, rhinitis.
Interaction with other medicines:
Special researches on interaction of eye drops of Oftakviks were not conducted. As the maximum concentration of a levofloksatsin in plasma after topical administration in an eye is at least 1000 times lower, than after reception of standard doses inside, interaction with other medicines, characteristic of system use, most likely, clinically not significantly.
— pregnancy;
— period of a lactation (breastfeeding);
— hypersensitivity to drugs of a hinolonovy row;
— hypersensitivity to drug components.
With care it is necessary to use drug at children's age.
The total quantity of a levofloksatsin which is contained rolled into one eye drops is, not enough, to cause toxic reactions even after accidental intake. After topical administration of an excess dose of eye drops of Oftakviks of eyes it is necessary to wash out clear (water) water of room temperature.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature below 25 °C. A period of validity - 3 years. After opening of a bottle a period of validity - 1 month.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
5 ml - bottles polyethylene (1) with a tip dropper - packs cardboard.