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Colostomy — removal of a final piece or loop of a colon in a wound of a front abdominal wall with formation of constant or temporary colic fistula.
Indications to formation of a kolostoma:
At planned and immediate surgeries concerning cancer of nizhneampulyarny department of a rectum and the proctal channel when the oncological principles demand full removal of a rectum with its switching device;
The complicated cases of various diseases of a large intestine — cancer, nonspecific ulcer colitis, ischemic colitis, a diverticulitis, gut wall abscesses with its perforation and development of peritonitis;
Preventive formation of a kolostoma (as a rule on a cross colon) when forming a low colorectal anastomosis;
Injuries of a large intestine with damage of its wall (fire, mechanical, burn);
Recurrence of cancer of rectum, neck and body of the womb and bladder at emergence of tumoral infiltrate in a small basin;
Internal fistulas between a rectum and a bladder or a vagina;
Heavy post-beam proctites (after beam cancer therapy of a neck of uterus);
Congenital anomalies like atresia of the proctal channel, mekonialny impassability at newborns and a disease of Girshprunga;
Anorectal incontience.
Are divided by time of existence of a kolostoma on temporary and constant.
Creating kolosty, the surgeon aims to solve the following problems:
To provide evacuation of a chair and gases;
To carry out a decompression of overlying departments of intestines;
To compensate rectum defunctionalization by means of a kolostoma and auxiliary devices and actions;
To stop receipt a calla in a rectum at injuries of bodies of a basin;
Pristenochny kolostoma — применятеся it is rare; this type of a kolostoma not completely takes away intestinal contents, and allows to carry out a partial decompression of intestines only.
Loopback kolostoma (across Maydl).
At this type of a kolostoma in a wound the loop of mobile department of a colon is removed (sigmoid or cross). The guts bringing and taking away a knee are sewed among themselves, and, after a section of a front wall of the removed loop, the back wall forms the "spur" interfering receipt of contents in the taking-away part of a gut.
Separate double-barreled kolostoma.
It turns out after a resection of a part of a colonic ikshka. When there are contraindications to formation of an anastomosis. Both ends of a large intestine are removed through separate openings in a front abdominal wall.
Single-barreled kolostoma.
Main type of colic ostomies. Such ostomy at end of a belly and perineal extirpation of a rectum or operation on Gartman forms.
