Paracentesis at ascites
- Description
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The abdominal paracentesis with considerable removal of liquid (4-6 l a day) is possible at persistent ascites for prevention of a strangulation of a hernia, bleeding from upper parts of a GIT, not stopped asthma. Important along with removal of ascitic liquid once intravenously to enter 10-20% albumine solution at the rate of 6-8 g on each liter of remote liquid. Introduction of such amount of albumine allows to fill OTsK and to support an effective blood stream.
Contraindication to a paracentesis are infections, bleeding, a hepatic coma.
At treatment of persistent ascites the paracentesis is combined sometimes with intravenous administration of ascitic liquid or other agents increasing plasma volume; in parallel it is possible to appoint diuretics. This method can improve considerably function of kidneys and provide an ecuresis. However patients usually transfer such manipulation badly: rise in body temperature to febrile figures is often observed.

The scheme of carrying out a medical paracentesis at ascites