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36 week of pregnancy

On the 36th week of pregnancy 34 full weeks from the moment of conception of the child are executed, the ninth lunar month of pregnancy comes to the end (all the full-term pregnancy lasts 10 lunar months, or 9 calendar).Плоду на 36 неделе беременности очень тесно в полости матки

Changes in a fruit organism

On this term in length from the top to heels the kid reaches 45 – 46 cm, it weighs from 2400 to 2600 g. These parameters also normal can deviate a little in the big or smaller party. Now externally the fruit differs from the newborn child only in masso-growth data. About an arrest of development of a fruit judge by data of ultrasonography on the 36th week of pregnancy. By the stomach sizes on the 36th week of pregnancy to do the conclusions about it it is not absolutely right. If on the 36th week of pregnancy nevertheless there is childbirth, then the child will be considered as a premature.

All bodies of future child are created, and think-tanks of their regulation are improved now. In particular, the vascular and respiratory centers in a myelencephalon are already ready to support work of an organism of a fruit on the 36th week of pregnancy at the birth. Lungs of future kid are ready to this moment too – in them enough alveoluses and surfactant – special substance which supports them in the straightened state was formed.

The fruit on the 36th week of pregnancy is in a uterus in a flexion pose which still call embryonal. In this pose of the handle and his leg are bent and densely pressed to a little body that allows a fruit to occupy on the 36th week of pregnancy in a uterus minimum possible volume, and at the same time to continue to grow.

If to make ultrasonography on the 36th week of pregnancy, then it is possible to see that testicles at boys already fell to a scrotum.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 36th week of pregnancy

The stomach on the 36th week of pregnancy continues to grow, its upper bound is defined on 26 cm higher than the level of a bosom, or is 16 cm higher than a navel. The stomach circle on the 36th week of pregnancy makes about 96 - 98 cm. By these two parameters – height of standing of a uterus (in cm) and stomach circles (in cm) – can recognize the estimated weight of future newborn, for this purpose it is necessary to multiply them only. The received figures (weight in grams) will deviate the true weight of the child no more than for 100 - 200.

In a uterus the volume of amniotic waters decreased by 1,5 times, now the fruit occupies its main volume. The placenta begins to grow old though it still copes with the functions on maintenance of life support of the kid.

Even at good health and lack of a gestosis on the 36th week by the evening at the pregnant woman legs swell. The reason of the phenomenon is covered that the big uterus presses blood vessels in an abdominal cavity, complicating outflow of blood from legs to heart. Under gravitational laws liquid begins to linger first of all on feet. The first time standing the woman notices hypostases even not on elastic band prints from a sock on skin, and on feeling that footwear became close. Such hypostases differ from pathological in the fact that there are they only by the evening, and in the morning of the next day from them there is no trace left also.Длина плода на 36 неделе беременности - 45 см

The increased uterus can become the reason and other problems with health of the pregnant woman. So, pains on the 36th week of pregnancy in an anus at the woman can become the first symptom of the aggravated hemorrhoids. At later stages of development of this unpleasant disease of the woman can note bloody allocations on the 36th week of pregnancy from a rectum, in the main ambassador of defecation. After the delivery over time displays of hemorrhoids will smooth out, and will already not cause so many troubles.

The woman needs to watch with former attention the frequency of stirs of the child in a stomach on the 36th week of pregnancy, in 12 hours in their sum it has to be fixed not less than 10. Rare stirs – often unsuccessful sign, a fruit can suffer at this time. The movements of future kid sometimes cause pains on the 36th week of pregnancy in the area under edges where fruit legs at its situation are located with the head down.

Inspection on the 36th week of pregnancy

If when performing the previous ultrasonography it was revealed that the placenta is attached to a uterus wall too low, then ultrasonography on the 36th week of pregnancy has to specify its location later time. For last period the uterus increased in sizes, and the placenta could "be tightened" after it.

The woman comes to survey to the doctor at least 1 time a week, on the term of 36 weeks of pregnancy through a front abdominal wall clearly are listened heartbeat of a fruit. If specification of health of a fruit is required, the doctor appoints carrying out a kardiotokografiya.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.