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38 week of pregnancy

On the 38th week of pregnancy to the kid in a stomach it is executed full 36 weeks since in a uterine tube there was a fertilization, there is the tenth lunar month of pregnancy.Вес плода на 38 неделе беременности - 3,1-3,3 кг

Changes in a fruit organism

Growth of a fruit on the 38th week of pregnancy is slowed down, it already reached the sizes of the newborn child. On ultrasonography on the 38th week of pregnancy it is visible that length makes it 48 – 50 cm, the weight of 3000 - 3300.

The organism of the child is ready to the birth at any time, but to start childbirth achievement of the special hormonal status in an organism of the pregnant woman and formation of a patrimonial dominant is necessary.

Even if conception time is precisely known, date of childbirth with a 100% accuracy at 38 week of pregnancy cannot be predicted. It is dangerous to apply the means and receptions stimulating the beginning of childbirth, independently and without existence of indications. At stimulation process can go is absolutely unpredictable, and often comes to an end with complications.

The fruit on the 38th week of pregnancy densely adjoins to uterus walls, the amount of amniotic waters decreased. Their existence in former volume does not play such large role now, and reduction of volume of waters in turn reduces probability of a prolapse of the umbilical cord and parts of a body of a fruit, its wrong situation.

The child's skin in a womb of mother was absolutely smoothed, it pink and velvety to the touch, on a coat hanger traces of a lanugo, and pleated skin – a small amount of white syrovidny lubricant can sometimes remain. Thanks to reserves of fatty tissue in hypodermic cellulose the kid in a stomach on the 38th week of pregnancy looks well-fad and chubby. On his head hair, sometimes they quite dense and long are well visible.

In final departments of intestines on the 38th week of pregnancy a small amount first-born a calla already accumulated, all digestive tract is ready to reorganization like organism food, to feeding by breast milk. Function of digestive glands on production of enzymes, proteolytic, carbohydrates and fats is a little reduced. But this shortcoming is compensated by the fact that as a part of the most breast milk there are enzymes which will help splitting of nutrients with it.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 38th week of pregnancy

The pregnant woman's organism intensively gets ready for the forthcoming childbirth which can begin with the term of 38 weeks of pregnancy every day. The main changes happen under the influence of hormonal activity.

Also the placenta changes – a part of its vessels zapustevat, in it there are cysts and deposits of lime, and thickness of a placenta decreases. All this affects its work therefore delivery of nutrients to a fruit is slowed down.

The stomach on the 38th week of pregnancy can decrease a little in sizes. The reason of it is reduction of volume of amniotic waters and shift of a body of a fruit is lower, in a cavity of a small pelvis. On this term most often there is a stop of increases in weight, sometimes the pregnant woman even normal grows thin on 1 – 1,5 kg. Uterine fundus height is defined slightly below now, than earlier, and makes about 33 - 35 cm over bosom level.В длину на 38 неделе беременности достигает 48-50 см

The woman notices training pains more often. If they amplified or became more intensively, in their emergence the regularity or pains on the 38th week of pregnancy appeared, then, most likely, disclosure of a neck of uterus began, and childbirth just about will begin.

Allocation on the 38th week of pregnancy from a genital tract of the slime, on a consistence reminding ovalbumin is possible. It is a so-called mucous stopper which filled the channel of a neck of uterus, protecting a bag of waters. If the neck of uterus began to reveal and becomes wider, then the stopper can depart. Its allocation on the 38th week of pregnancy at multipara happens directly at the beginning of childbirth. Sometimes the mucous stopper contains small impurity of blood, you should not be afraid of it.

Inspection on the 38th week of pregnancy

At the time of delivery the woman loses this or that amount of blood. Therefore it is very important that by this time hemoglobin of its blood was not lower than 110 - 130 g/l. At the first signs of patrimonial activity the doctor can conduct a manual research of a vagina to define extent of disclosure of a neck of uterus.

Ultrasonography on the 38th week of pregnancy is appointed only in case of its need. It is possible to watch a condition of a fruit more informatively, carrying out KTG.

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