Main > Slideshow> 10 national methods of controlling with a furunculosis

10 national methods of controlling with a furunculosis

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Propolis is rich with various microelements and very much helps an organism to struggle with various diseases. For fight against a furunculosis it is necessary to prepare spirit tincture according to the following recipe: 2-3 balls of propolis to fill in 0,25 l of vodka, to close densely a cover and to leave week to infuse in the dark place. It is necessary to accept tincture three times a day after meal on 1 tablespoon.
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This plant not without reason has such "clearing" name – it perfectly cleans blood. It is necessary to buy a dried grass of a celandine in a drugstore, to crush in the coffee grinder and to accept for a month in the morning on an empty stomach in a dosage literally on a knife tip, washing down with water. But before reception will not prevent to consult with doctors as the celandine is very poisonous.
Рыбий жир
Fish oil
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Fish oil contains a lot of vitamin D, and also useful fats which effectively increase immunity of skin. It is very useful to accept fish oil not only at a furunculosis, but also as prophylactic from inflammatory, cardiovascular, oncological diseases, and also for improvement of work of a brain, eyes and reproductive system.
Пивные дрожжи
Beer yeast
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Beer yeast – a fine source of vitamin B thanks to what they promote the best digestion and digestion of food. It allows to avoid defective and wrong digestion of food at the most initial stage of a disease that, in turn, saves from decay which is emitted in the form of pus from furuncles. Besides, beer yeast normalizes the acid environment in intestines that promotes the fastest healing.
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The beebread is the pollen stamped in cells of cells and which underwent sour-milk fermentation. The beebread is just a well of useful substances! From a furunculosis it needs to be accepted on a half of a teaspoon three times a day, previously having mixed with honey.
Purple cone-flower
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The purple cone-flower perfectly helps to cope to an organism with various poisonings, removes toxins and poisons. Use of a purple cone-flower inside promotes healing of wounds and burns. Accept it in the form of tinctures and tea which can be got in a drugstore. Besides, the purple cone-flower is rich with vitamin C that promotes increase in immunity.
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For fight against a furunculosis it is necessary to crush an ordinary bulb in the blender, to fill in with a glass of boiled water of room temperature and to give several hours to infuse. It is necessary to drink such infusion three times a day on couple of drinks. Every day it is necessary to accept freshly cooked tincture.
Природная сера
Natural sulfur
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It is possible to buy sulfur natural in a drugstore. It has an appearance of yellow powder. And the recipe from a furunculosis such: it is necessary to dilute 0,25 teaspoons of sulfur in one glass of water and to drink before food. The course of treatment makes ten days then it is necessary to take a break for one week.
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You remember how in the childhood our mothers dug in aloe juice in a nose at cold? And it helped. But, in addition to fight against cold, the aloe perfectly helps to get rid of a furunculosis. For this purpose it is necessary to eat three times a day on a small leaf of an aloe, washing down with water.
Контроль над эмоциями
Control over emotions
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It is the last, tenth point in our list, but not less important. It is known long ago that all our diseases – from nerves. The furunculosis is also in many respects caused by an unstable psychoemotional state therefore it is important to learn to abstract from problems and to try to avoid society of unpleasant people.


Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.