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Types of tea and its useful properties

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White tea
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When harvesting white tea choose the youngest, the leaves which only were semi-dismissed. They are called "бай a hoa" or "white cilia". White tea is appreciated refined taste and delicate aroma. Earlier it was available only to the Chinese emperors. White tea received the name thanks to the fact that on the back leaves are covered with a silvery plaque which remains even after raw materials drying.
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Composition of white tea
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As a part of white tea there are many polyphenols – strong antioxidants that does this drink useful to prevention of oncological diseases. The large amount of fluorine which is contained in white tea effectively protects teeth from a dental calculus and caries. Drink contains a set of essential oils thanks to what it renders the expressed cooling effect. And elastin helps to fight against aging effectively.
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Advantage of white tea
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White tea reduces probability of development of arthritis, has antiinflammatory, antibacterial and detoksiruyushchy effect on an organism. Tasty drink improves an emotional state and replaces antidepressants, calms emotions, removes overexcitation symptoms. At alcoholic, chemical or food intoxication white tea brings harmful toxins and substances out of an organism. White tea is useful also at cold.
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Harm of white tea
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One more indisputable useful property of white tea is absolute lack of contraindications to it. At least, scientists of those did not reveal yet. Thus, everyone, irrespective of the state of health can drink this drink.
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Green tea
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Green tea – the drink, most popular in the world. If Chinese tell "tea", then they mean green tea. Collect and process green tea so that to keep active biological agents in leaves. At first leaves collect, slightly dry them in the fresh air then dry hot air and ferment then twist. There are two categories of green tea – sheet and Brocken (cut).
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Structure of green tea
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Green tea contains vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, E, a set of microelements. Vitamin P in green tea in 10 times more, than in black, and it, as we know, effectively improves blood circulation. Vitamin K is necessary for work of a liver and formation of a prothrombin. During the researches it was revealed that green tea contains the most powerful amount of catechins which help to support normal sugar level in blood.
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Advantage of green tea
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Green tea is especially useful to people with thyroid gland diseases as at it there is a lot of iodine. Use it as mouthwash thanks to the content of fluorine. It is useful to include this drink in a diet to people with heart troubles, a hypertension, atherosclerosis, and also at an indigestion and food poisonings. One more useful property of green tea – it helps to lose weight, splitting complex fats.
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Harm of green tea
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The use of green tea in large numbers negatively affects work of a liver and kidneys. It is not recommended to drink drink to people with the lowered pressure as it can influence pressure and a cordial rhythm. Also it is necessary to limit green tea at stomach ulcer and a 12-perstny gut. And here people with gout should refuse the use of green tea as in it there are a lot of purine bases at all.
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Red tea
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Red tea – very beautiful drink. There are three types of red tea – Xiaozhong, Gunfu and the crushed tea. Prepare it as follows: tea leaves are dried and twisted then long time is maintained at the increased humidity. It is necessary that in leaves processes of a brozhzheniye and fermentation began. After that leaves dry up, pack up and pack.
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Composition of red tea
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In red tea rather high content of essential oils, catechins and extractive substances, as impacts it tart relish and resistant aroma. It is possible to tell that red tea combines in itself the most optimum proportions of properties of black and green teas.
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Advantage of red tea
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Thanks to the high content of catechins red tea maintains immunity, counteracts the destroying action of free radicals and toxins, promotes removal of excess of cholesterol. Red tea possesses the expressed diuretic action, improves cordial activity, removes bruises and hypostases if to put it to the damaged places in the form of lotions.
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Red tea
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It is not necessary to be fond of red tea to people with gastritis, a hypertension, stomach ulcer and a 12-perstny gut, atherosclerosis, at an exacerbation of viral diseases. Red tea it is better for pregnant women not to use because of high content caffeine in it at all. For the same reason you should not have red tea before going to bed.
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Black tea
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There is a set of grades of black tea: tiled, long leaf, granulated, packaged, etc. Chemical composition of black tea very extensive also contains not less than 300 various ingredients which do this drink to one of the most useful in the world. A large number in it contains the caffeine, alkaloids, theine, essential oils having tonic effect on a nervous system of the person, and also tannins.
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Advantage of black tea
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One of the most useful properties of black tea is its tonic action. It increases endurance, improves the general condition of the person. Drink has the strengthening effect on nervous and respiratory systems, increases gas exchange. Black tea helps to bring heavy metals out of an organism, increases inflow of oxygen to brain cells, improves elasticity of vessels, has anticarcinogenic property.
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Harm of black tea
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It is not recommended to abuse black tea at hypersensitivity to caffeine. The excessive use of tea leads to washing away from an organism of the magnesium so necessary for full work of a nervous system. Also people should not be fond of drink with diseases of eyes as it increases eye pressure, with tachycardia as it can cause an attack, and also to pregnant women.


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