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Female herbs: home first-aid kit

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If you have problems with a dream, it negatively affects not only your mood, but also on health. Long reception of somnolent drugs is undesirable as it can cause dependence. And here to use the checked herbs – it is much more preferable.
Чай от бессонницы
Tea from sleeplessness
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Take peppermint leaves (has sedative effect and removes nervous tension), a valerian root (calms a nervous system), melissa leaves (positively influences mentality), and also flowers and leaves of a thistle prickly (improves overall health) and mix them. Fill in one tablespoon of mix of herbs with 1 glass of boiled hot water and let's stand to broth half an hour. Have such tea 3 times a day on a half-glass.
Зашлакованность организма
Organism Zashlakovannost
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Dry or too fat skin, excess weight, rashes on a body – all this is a consequence of delay of a metabolism. Special herbal tea which part the plants clearing a liver, kidneys, a gall bladder and a digestive tract are will help to clear your organism of the collected exchange products.
Чай для очищения организма
Tea for clarification of an organism
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Take buckthorn bark (laxative action), hips (stimulate secretion of a gastric juice), birch kidneys (removal of slags), fennel seeds (improve digestion), peppermint leaves (antioxidant properties). Mix 20 g of mint and on 10 g of other ingredients. 2 Art. of l of collecting fill in 0,5 l of boiled water and let's infuse 1,5 hours. It is necessary to have tea on 0,5 glasses three times a day for half an hour to food.
Болезненные менструации
Painful periods
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About 70% of women face this problem. Pains, as a rule, begin just before periods and 1-2 days last. Quite often them disturbance of blood circulation in a small pelvis is the reason. For removal of pain it is necessary to use the herbs helping at spasms and stimulating blood supply.
Отвар при болезненных менструациях
Broth at painful periods
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It is necessary to take calendula flowers (antiedematous and antiinflammatory actions), flowers and a grass of a melissa (the calming action), flowers of a camomile medicinal (from spasms), yarrow flowers (reduce menstrual pains), wild strawberry leaves (a source of vitamins and minerals, improve a metabolism) and to mix. 4 tablespoons of grass mix need to be filled in with 0,5 l of boiled water. It is necessary to drink ready broth during the day.
Предменструальный синдром
Premenstrual syndrome
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Probably, each woman knows that such PMS. These are differences of mood, swelling of mammary glands, irritability, flowing off of extremities and a set of other unpleasant symptoms. To normalize a psychoemotional background, it is recommended to drink herbs decoction which, besides, brings excess liquid out of an organism.
Отвар при ПМС
Broth at PMS
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Take witch-hazel leaves (antiinflammatory action), ash-tree leaves (diuretic action), hawthorn flowers (calming and weakening actions), elevated parts of a cuff (for normal blood circulation), yarrow flowers (from menstrual pains), leaves of red grapes (for strengthening of vessels) and mix them. 3 Art. of l of ready collecting fill in 0,5 liters of boiled water and drink this infusion every day.
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The woman often face such disease as a bladder inflammation. That the disease did not pass into more severe form, it is not enough to accept only grass broth. It is recommended to see a doctor and to undergo treatment. Nevertheless, herbal tea will make treatment of cystitis more effective.
Чай от цистита
Tea from cystitis
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Take birch leaves (an antiseptic agent for kidneys and urinary tract), a golden rod grass (antimicrobic and antiinflammatory properties), hibiscus cups (disease-producing bacteria kill), tops of an erigeron Canadian (diuretic action). 3 tablespoons of herbs fill in 0,5 l of boiled water and drink every day before disappearance of symptoms of cystitis.
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Of course, to get rid of ill-fated "orange-peel" by means of collecting herbs it will not turn out. Approach to treatment of cellulitis has to be complex. Tea from herbs will help to adjust a metabolism, to bring excess liquid out of an organism because of which in cells subcutaneous fat collects, as is one of the reasons of emergence of cellulitis.
Чай при целлюлите
Tea at cellulitis
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Take in equal proportions ivy leaves (diuretic and antibacterial actions), witch-hazel leaves (antiinflammatory action), hibiscus cups (for strengthening of walls of blood vessels), leaves a mat (stimulation of a metabolism). Fill in with 1 glass of boiled water 1 h l of mix of herbs, boil a couple of minutes, and let's infuse 10 minutes. Accept 2 glasses of broth in day.
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If the stressful state is followed at you with feeling of helplessness, pessimistic thoughts, then we congratulate – you have a depression. Herb infusion with tonic action will help to return joy of life to you.
Чай при депрессии
Tea at a depression
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Mix 2 parts of a grass of a St. John's Wort (antidepressant), and by 1 part of flowers of a camomile and a hawthorn. Fill in 1 teaspoon of collecting with 1 glass of boiled water and let's infuse 20 minutes. Filter and drink every day before going to bed for 1-2 months.
Чай при депрессии №2
Tea at a depression No. 2
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Mix in equal proportions a lavender grass (removes concern), marjoram leaves (improve appetite), a hyssop grass (tonic action), peppermint leaves (refresh and calm), cardamom seeds (strengthen vessels). On 1 cup of boiled water it will be required to you 1 h l. collecting. Let's broth infuse 15 minutes and drink a long time on 2-3 cups a day.


Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.