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Correct care of problem skin

Спокойствие и только спокойствие
Tranquility and only tranquility
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It is known that the stress spoils skin. An enanthesis can appear owing to irritation of sebaceous glands because of nervousness and experiences. Before a wedding, examination or other important testing skin considerably spoils. How to soften effect? Follow the motto: "Beauty will save the world, and an indifference – nerves". Drink tea with mint, walk in the park or you descend on massage, and – keep calm.
Умывайтесь дважды в день
Wash twice a day
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Every time when you sweat, skin produces fat which hammers a time. If after the evening training you want to pass by a shower, be not surprised that for the morning you will see in a mirror an unattractive picture of inflammations on a face. After each physical activity it is necessary to take a warm shower and to wipe a face with the means containing glycolic or salicylic acid. And, of course, do not forget to wash away a make-up for the night.
Количество - еще не качество
Quantity - yet not quality
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Statistically, each woman uses about 7 skin care products: srub, gel, serum, tonic, lotion, cream, milk. However there is a lot of it. Dermatologists advise to be limited to 2-3 means and to give preference where not many components contain. And still: always do a small pause between uses of these means.
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Wash bed linen more often
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Quite often we go to bed, leaving on hair a skin or a varnish, on a body – oil, and on a face – cream. All these body care products get on bed linen. Therefore try to arrange washing of bed sets weekly, and after drying iron them the hot iron. In general it is desirable to change fresh pillowcases time in 3-5 days.
Дорогое - не значит лучшее
Expensive - the best does not mean
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You should not get expensive means for washing containing exotic components. It will stay on your skin no more than one minute, and these rare components can quite cause irritation. And problem skin is already angry, and our task – to calm her. Therefore it is desirable to get usual means for washing in the form of gel and a skin with the content of alcohol or glycerin soap.
Не верьте рекламе
Do not trust advertizing
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The granulated srubs so widely advertized are not for you. They stimulate work of sebaceous glands, even more worsening a condition of skin. You should not get peelings with salt, sand, apricot and almond stones, a walnut shell. Very gentle peeling – for example, with soft particles from synthetic or natural components is necessary for you.
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Be closer to the nature
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Tubes with marks "natural" exists a set. Whether but on the business it so? It is better to choose after all cosmetics of the world and checked brands which passed independent tests, and are carefully checked for natural components. Buying new brands, you watch that natural extracts were high on the list ingredients, but not somewhere at the end after the list of hard to read chemical connections.
Используйте антивозрастной крем
Use anti-aging cream
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It is about creams which contain Retinolum. Even if you consider that to you still early to use anti-aging cosmetics, cream with retinoids perfectly cures an acne, stimulates cell regeneration, production of collagen and narrows pores. Ask the dermatologist to choose for you an optimum dosage.
Используйте ночные средства
Use night means
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While you sleep, on a face the new centers of an inflammation which can quite be avoided are formed, using the night adjusting means for problem skin. Researches showed that at night work of sebaceous glands is sped up that provokes excessive production of skin fat. Therefore it is not necessary to be lazy.
Забудьте о картошке фри
Forget about French fries
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Vegetable oil which is widely used in fast food points, heating up to high temperatures, emits noxious to health substance of which cells of skin die. It aggravates a condition of skin and problems accompanying with it. Not to mention that fast food is harmful not only to face skin, but also to a figure and a condition of all organism.
Составьте таблицу с гликемическим индексом
Make the table with a glycemic index
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The lower at GI products, the dish is healthier and more useful. At consumption of healthy food of an acne recovers, and as a bonus – there is a loss of excess weight. Try to give preference to products with low GI (dried fruits, vegetables, yogurt, nuts). But you should not exclude from a diet of squirrels (eggs, fish, fast meat) completely.
Вместо кофе - какао
Instead of coffee - cocoa
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Replace coffee with cocoa. In one research of the woman drank daily cocoa for 12 weeks. As a result of their skin became less angry and sensitive, and the quantity of rashes decreased. And for subgas station you carry with yourself in a handbag a tile of the dark chocolate containing the flavonoids removing an inflammation and improving complexion.
Откажитесь от молока
Refuse milk
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If you dream to have clean skin, forget about milk as it promotes an acne enanthesis. At milk there are hormones stimulating process of formation of rash. Replace it with fermented milk products – kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. If you are a big lover of this product, drink coconut or soy milk.
Ешьте капусту
Eat cabbage
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Fresh cabbage, and also other vegetables and fruit, recover your skin and protect it from harmful effects. Products with high the content of vitamins A and S. Otlichno are especially useful greens, sheet vegetables, fruits of a citrus, a melon, pumpkin, paprika, berries of a wild strawberry and bilberry will approach.
Ограничьте рафинированные углеводы
Limit the refined carbohydrates
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Eat various cakes, candies, cakes less. They contain a lot of sugar and white flour which stimulate synthesis of the hormones androgens which are urging on production of skin fat. The result will not keep itself waiting long. Already through some time you will notice that at you an enanthesis decreased twice. And for a figure there will be an advantage big.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.