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8 weeks of pregnancy

The age of a fruit on the 8th week of pregnancy makes 6 weeks, and a delay of the next periods 4 weeks. This term is one of critical periods as by 8 weeks of pregnancy the placenta has to be created and undertake finally all functions on life support of a new organism. In the same time the embryo becomes a fruit.8 неделя беременности соответствует шестинедельному возрасту плода

Changes of a fruit

All principal organs and systems of the growing organism are already put, and continue to ripen and be differentiated. The body of a fruit gets a characteristic embryonal pose which will keep before the childbirth. The fruit size on the 8th week of pregnancy makes about 14 - 19 mm, and weight - 1 g.

Intensively muscular, bone and cartilaginous fabrics develop, the fruit has a muscle tone. The movements of future kid handles and legs become more intensively, them it is well visible on ultrasonography in 8 weeks of pregnancy, but future baby is still so small that mother does not feel his stirs. Hands advance legs in the development, they are larger and are more differentiated – clearly it is possible to distinguish borders of a shoulder and a forearm, phalanxes of fingers begin to appear, fingers on hands are already separated from each other, membranes between them are absent. On feet fingers still remain accrete.

The fruit on the 8th week of pregnancy is already poorly similar to an embryo of animals, it takes more and more "human" outward. On centuries eyelashes appear, the upper lip, auricles and a nose already well come out. More clearly the neck is excreted. In respiratory system the bronchial tree and the main respiratory muscle - a diaphragm begins to appear.

The stomach of a fruit begins to develop small amounts of a gastric juice, and kidneys – I wet. Intensively all sense bodys develop:

  • In language flavoring nipples are formed;
  • In mucous a nose the first olfactory receptors are stuffed up;
  • Nerve fibrils create an optic nerve;
  • Skin – a fruit organ of touch – is still very thin and almost transparent, but in it there are first sensitive receptors, and also also sweat glands are stuffed up grease.

External genitals are not created – on site crotches only the hillock for the present is, and on ultrasonography in 8 weeks of pregnancy it is impossible to define a sex of future child.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 8th week of pregnancy

The changes connected with pregnancy are noticeable more and more. The uterus continues to grow in high gear though the stomach on the 8th week of pregnancy is not visible from under clothes yet.

On the 8th week of pregnancy the obstetrician-gynecologist at an internal research can notice increase in a uterus - at conjoined manipulation. At survey of a neck of uterus in mirrors the doctor can also note discoloration of a mucous membrane of a vagina with light pink to dark pink.

Changes concern also a mental spirit of the pregnant woman – she most often becomes more sentimental, whining and whimsical, changes of flavoring preferences and appetite are characteristic. They can be opposite – the increased appetite, tendency to unusual types of food or constant nausea and vomiting.

The breast of the pregnant woman can become more painful, nipples sensitive to touches. On the surface of skin of a breast can examine superficial veins.Размер плода на 8 неделе беременности - 14-19 мм

What needs to be done on the 8th week of pregnancy

If the woman on the 8th week of pregnancy still is not necessary on the account on pregnancy, it is worth making it now. It is desirable to choose the doctor who will observe all pregnancy from beginning to end. For future mother, especially if it is first labor, the obstetrician can recommend courses for pregnant women and class in psychoprophylactic preparation for the forthcoming childbirth.

You should not delay with visit of specialists and the appointed analyses. In case of some problems in the state of health they will need to be solved, considering pregnancy existence. Some types of inspection and treatment on duration of gestation of 8 weeks can have an adverse effect on a condition of a fruit. It is a X-ray analysis, an anesthesia and anesthesia at dental care, etc. About all possible contraindications to know at the doctor better.

The uterus increases in sizes all the time and presses on surrounding bodies, it can provoke pains on the 8th week of pregnancy. The reasons of pain can be different – a tension of round ligaments of uterus, irritation of a sciatic nerve, an infection of urinary tract, quite frequent at pregnancy.

The urination in connection with proximity of a uterus becomes frequent, but it should not is normal of pain on the 8th week of pregnancy at the same time to be. Dysuria symptoms – a dangerous symptom of pyelonephritis or cystitis of pregnant women.

Allocation on the 8th week of pregnancy even a small amount of blood from a genital tract indicates the begun abortion, such situation demands the emergency address to the doctor.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.