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Allergy at pregnancy

Allergy – hypersensitivity of an organism to certain factors of the environment (allergens). The allergy is not a disease, and reaction of immune system to the substance which got to an organism. Rhinitises, lachrymation, an asthma and bronchospasms, an enanthesis and spots, headaches and other can be the general symptoms of allergic reaction. The allergy at pregnancy is characterized by the same symptomatology. Predisposition to allergic reactions, hypersensitivity of an organism are not subject to medicamentous correction. At aggravations of allergic reactions the symptomatic treatment selected by the attending physician in each individual case is applied.На развитие плода аллергия при беременности не влияет

Allergy at pregnancy: general information

The allergy at pregnancy arises approximately at 35% of women, the hyper sensitive reactions of an organism to substances never observing until conception. In certain cases allergic reactions treat as precursory symptoms of pregnancy.

As a rule, the allergy at pregnant women does not influence fetation (antigens and antibodies do not get through a placental barrier) and on the course of the pregnancy, however can worsen a condition of the woman considerably. Some manifestations of allergic reactions nevertheless can make negative impact on a fruit. So, at bronchial asthma the fruit hypoxia can develop.

Allergic reactions at pregnancy can develop owing to powerful hormonal reorganization of an organism that is usually normalized by 12-14 week of pregnancy.

At detection of symptoms of an allergy at pregnant women extremely it is not recommended to undertake any measures directed to elimination of symptomatology, even if before pregnancy drugs and national methods of treatment were well transferred by an organism.

There are 4 types of an allergy at pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy provokes the first allergic reactions – in that case it is necessary to address in the shortest possible time the allergist for carrying out allergy tests and an exception of contact with allergens;
  • Pregnancy does not influence the course of an allergy – in such situations consultation of the allergist who will make recommendations about use of drugs is also necessary;
  • Pregnancy worsens allergy symptoms – extremely exceptional cases, demand the immediate address to the doctor for normalization of a condition of the pregnant woman;
  • Pregnancy improves allergy symptomatology – at pregnancy in an organism of the woman the producing hormone of the cortisol having antiallergic effect that explains easier course of allergic reactions at pregnancy raises.

Seasonal allergy at pregnancy: symptoms, prevention methods

The seasonal allergy at pregnancy demands careful medical control. If the woman before pregnancy suffered from allergic reactions, then the probability that during pregnancy hit of allergen in an organism will also cause allergic reaction is high. Knowing what allergen causes a seasonal allergy, at pregnancy it is possible to prevent manifestation of allergic reactions easily. So, if the allergy to pollen, blossoming of certain plants is observed, then in that case doctors recommend to limit impact of allergens on an organism in addition to antiallergic drugs:

  • To exclude visit of places with high concentration of pollen in air (gardens, parks, seasonal dachas, trips to the country);
  • To avoid contact with the substances containing allergens;
  • To thicket to carry out wet cleaning in the house;
  • To exclude penetration of allergens into the house, veiling a wet gauze of a window and a window leaf when airing, to remove the carpets, curtains, soft toys collecting dust.

If the seasonal allergy is shown for 1-2 months, then when planning pregnancy it is recommended to exclude the allergic period whenever possible.

During a seasonal allergy at pregnancy it is necessary to follow rules of personal hygiene which significantly will help to facilitate symptoms: washing mucous nose and eyes, prochishcheniye of nostrils.

Allergy at pregnancy: treatment, recommendations about prevention

The allergy at pregnant women is complicated by the fact that not all antiallergic (antihistaminic) drugs are admissible. During an allergy at pregnancy treatment has to be carried out under control of the gynecologist and allergist. If the allergy was shown during pregnancy for the first time, initially it is necessary to reveal the allergens causing reactions. After definition of allergens it is necessary to carry out the analysis of a situation and to exclude impact of allergens on the pregnant woman. Most often allergic reactions arise on certain food stuffs, cosmetics, household chemicals.

If there is an allergy at pregnancy, treatment by drugs of external use also should be carried out only in coordination with the attending physician.

So to reduce manifestation of symptomatology a little and will help to facilitate the course of an allergy during pregnancy vitamins:Витамин B12 - природный антигистамин для лечения аллергии при беременности

  • Vitamin C allows to minimize attacks of a respiratory allergy, and also to prevent emergence of anaphylactic reactions;
  • B12 vitamin is natural antihistamine which allows to reduce manifestation of symptoms of asthma, dermatitis, sensitivity to sulfites;
  • B5 vitamin (pantothenic acid) allows to cope with allergic rhinitises;
  • RR vitamin (niacinamide) allows to facilitate attacks of an allergy to flower pollen;
  • Zinc allows to reduce manifestation of reactions to the allergens which are contained in household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumery;
  • Fish oil, linolic acid interfere with development of inflammatory processes against the background of allergic reactions.

It is necessary to remember that vitamins can also act as allergens. Before reception of additional vitamins during an allergy at pregnancy treatment needs to be coordinated with the attending physician also.

Allergy pills at pregnancy: use, contraindications

During an allergy at pregnancy the woman is recommended to refrain from reception of medicamentous drugs. If the allergy during pregnancy is followed by easy symptoms, then the exception of direct influence of allergen will help to cope with them. At heavy symptoms (puffiness of a nasopharynx, asthma that involves probability of development of a hypoxia of a fruit) consultation of the doctor who will appoint allergy pills at pregnancy is necessary. So, the drug Dimedrol, popular at allergic reactions, can provoke reduction of a uterus, and the drug Tavegil negatively influences fetation.

Taking allergy pill at pregnancy, it is necessary to control their efficiency constantly. At treatment of an allergy medicamentous drugs during pregnancy the accepted doses have to be minimum. The term of use of drug has to be the shortest. Choosing antiallergic drug, it is better to give preference to the checked drugs than which just appeared in the market.

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