Main > Diseases> Far-sightedness


General characteristic of a disease

Симптомы дальнозоркостиFar-sightedness or hypermetropia is an ophthalmologic disease with the broken visual acuity at a view of the objects located close. However at far-sightedness of high degree of people sees distorted the objects which are from it as at distance of 20-30 cm, and further 10 m.

The disease leads to a systematic overstrain of eye muscles therefore far-sighted people quite often suffer from a headache and visual overfatigue. Every second inhabitant of Earth suffers from far-sightedness of this or that degree on average approximately 30 years are more senior. Aged about one year and after 50 years far-sightedness – natural state of the visual device of the person.

Far-sightedness reasons

Normal at well seeing person the image is focused on a retina, but not on the plane behind it as it occurs at far-sightedness. As the reason of an abnormal refraction of eyes the small size of an eyeglobe on a perednezadny axis most often acts. For this reason at newborns far-sightedness is the natural physiological phenomenon which in most cases independently passes with age.

One more possible reason of far-sightedness – disturbance of accommodation of a crystalline lens, its inability it is correct to change curvature. This disturbance leads to a disease of other type – age far-sightedness or a presbyopy. The person is more senior, the it is worse akkomodatsionny opportunities of his eyes, and the degradation of the image of the objects located close becomes stronger.

Types of far-sightedness

Except natural physiological far-sightedness children of infantile age can have an inborn disease. It is about those cases when sight at the child independently does not return to normal over time. Not only the small size of an eyeglobe, but also the weak inborn refracting force of a crystalline lens or cornea can serve as the reason of far-sightedness of this form.

At inborn far-sightedness children with coefficient higher than 3.0 dioptries have a high probability of development of an associated disease – squint of a consensual form. To it leads an overstrain of oculomotor muscles of the child and constant data of eyes to a nose for the bigger clearness of sight. Further progressing of a disease can become the reason of even more terrible complication of far-sightedness at children - an amblyopia (the weakened sight of one of eyes).

Age far-sightedness is characteristic of people 45 years are more senior. The disease is caused by age changes of muscles and tissues of an eye. The crystalline lens is sclerosed, condensed over time, the ciliary muscle weakens, and an eye loses ability to normal refraction of beams.

Age far-sightedness – natural state of the person. It is impossible to prevent it, but it is possible to avoid effects of age far-sightedness: illegibilities of sight, headache and overstrain of eyes. For this purpose it is necessary to begin timely correction of far-sightedness by means of points, contact techniques or surgical treatment.

Quite often at young age far-sightedness gain the latent form. Akkomodatsionny opportunities of eyes are still big, and the person does not feel problems with sight, but the overstrain of eye muscles leads to bystry exhaustion of eyes, a headache and nausea. Over time the hidden disease becomes explicit, and in case of overdue diagnosis of far-sightedness at children threatens to turn back squint or an amblyopia.

Diagnosis of far-sightedness

The main symptom of far-sightedness – poor eyesight at a short distance at normal sight afar. This symptom easily is established by the ophthalmologist during check of sight by means of Sivtsev's table with letters of the different size, and also thanks to use of minus and plus lenses.

Tool diagnosis of far-sightedness at children and adults assumes use of a foropter and computer autorefractometry. The optical power of a cornea is measured by means of a keratometriya, and length of a longitudinal axis of an eye by means of an ekhobiometriya.

Far-sightedness at children and patients of young age is checked only in the conditions of forced expansion of pupils by atropine sulfate. This method allows to weaken accommodation of an eye and facilitates diagnosis of far-sightedness of the latent form.

Conservative treatment of far-sightedness

Main goal of treatment of far-sightedness – change of optical power of an eye in order that the image was focused on a retina, but not in the plane behind it. The most widespread way of conservative treatment of far-sightedness are points. Far-sighted people use them during reading, work at the computer, viewing of the TV and other occupations with preferential concentration of a look at a short distance.

At correction of far-sightedness the contact lenses for day or night carrying made of mineral or organic materials are considered as an alternative to points. Unlike points of a lens are convenient during sports activities or active recreation. However they cannot be used in treatment of far-sightedness at children, and their use means use of special decorative cosmetics for women.

Part of conservative treatment of far-sightedness are hardware techniques for sight improvement: ultrasonic therapy, electrostimulation, points massagers, vacuum massage, etc. In certain cases they allow to improve significantly sight, without resorting to surgical correction of far-sightedness.

Surgical correction of far-sightedness

Лазерная коррекция дальнозоркостиBy means of the laser change of an abnormal form of a cornea – one of the main reasons for far-sightedness is possible. The beam of the laser deletes a layer of tissues of eye and forever at the same time changes curvature of light refraction, i.e. a refraction.

Laser correction – one of the most bystry ways of treatment of far-sightedness. Operation lasts for several minutes under a local anesthesia, and the patient can go home already on the same day. However, as well as at other type of surgical intervention, there is a risk of postoperative complications and need of repeated correction of far-sightedness here. Treatment by means of the laser is not applied at far-sightedness of an age form with significantly the broken accommodation of eyes.

At patients with far-sightedness of high degree correction of sight can be begun with a preparatory stage – sclero - or kollagenoplastik. An essence of this surgical method in creation of a new corset for a sclera by means of donor fabrics. Only after at the patient progressing of a disease stops, he goes for laser correction of far-sightedness.

When thinning a retina as one their complications of a disease, a preparatory stage in surgical treatment of far-sightedness is also the lazerkoagulyation. It is carried out by means of the laser and helps to attach a retina to an eyeground, preventing peeling and dystrophy.

Disease of the heaviest degree including age far-sightedness, are treated by means of implantation in an eye of a fakichny or multifocal lens. This method of correction of far-sightedness is applied when all other ways of treatment were inefficient.

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