Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:4 weeks |
3,5 of 5 The popular egg diet developed by doctor Osama Hamdy for the diabetics needing considerable weight reduction. The diet is very effective for weight loss, but demands discipline and observance of rules. |
Recommended частота:раз in a year | |
Speed of loss of weight:![]() |
Safety:![]() |
Variety of products:![]() |
Initially Osama Hamdy's diet was developed for patients with a diabetes mellitus, persons in need in considerable weight reduction, her creator – professor, the doctor of medicine, the nutritionist, famous in the USA.
Osama Hamdy's diet belongs to proteinaceous, it still call egg (eggs – a key product of a diet) or a chemical diet (works by change of chemical processes in an organism). Weight loss happens not due to decrease in caloric content of a diet, and because of increase in contents in a protein diet at simultaneous reduction of carbohydrates. The organism receives usually main part of energy from carbohydrates. In case of their deficit, it is forced to receive energy from fat, as leads to an expense of the saved-up fatty deposits.
References of a cottage cheese diet of Osama Hamdy which is identical egg meet, only instead of eggs cottage cheese is used. Such diet is recommended to those who do not transfer some egg. However, unlike the considered egg diet, Osama Hamdy's authorship concerning a cottage cheese diet is not confirmed.
On Osama Hamdy's diet it is important to follow the following rules:
It is recommended to control weight reduction, carrying out daily weighing after a morning toilet. It is for this purpose better to use electronic scales since they are more exact.
The diet has to be followed by a regular, but moderate exercise stress.
If Osama Hamdy's diet is well transferred and there is a need for further weight reduction, it can be prolonged for 4 weeks, in this case in the 1 and 2 week the menu of the first week, in 3 and 4 weeks – the menu of the fourth is used.
Osama Hamdy's diet is highly effective, it helps to get rid of a significant amount of excess weight. There is an opinion that by means of Osama Hamdy's diet it is possible to lose big weight within a month - 20-30 kg. However specialists deny a possibility of so sharp weight loss. If to assume that it would be possible, the damage to an organism would be huge, and for health it was not necessary to speak about advantage. Real figures of weight reduction on an egg diet – 10-12 kg in a month.
Thanks to dominance of proteinaceous food in a diet there is no loss of muscle bulk that interferes with emergence of flabbiness of muscles and a strong obvisaniye of skin.
The diet is suitable for patients with a prediabetic state and a diabetes mellitus.
The main lack of a diet of Osama Hamdy – need of strict following to rules. At any deviation the diet needs to be started anew.
The menu has strict restrictions therefore quite often (especially in the beginning) there is a strong feeling of hunger that is fraught with failure.
Osama Hamdy's diet is contraindicated at diseases of biliary tract and other bodies of a GIT, diseases of kidneys, and also at an allergy to eggs and a citrus.
At any chronic diseases before a diet consultation of the doctor is necessary.
As seasonings salt, pepper, garlic and onions are allowed, but you should not abuse them. From drinks clear water, grass infusions, tea and coffee in moderate quantity are resolved.
Under a ban sugar, rich pastries, greasy, fried food. Also potatoes, bananas, grapes, a fig, dates, mango are excluded.
The breakfast in the first two weeks of a diet of Osama Hamdy is identical: 1-2 boiled eggs and half of orange or grapefruit.
Menu of the first week:
First day |
Lunch: fruit. Dinner: the chicken fillet or beef made on a grill. |
Second day |
Lunch: meat of a chicken, tomato, small orange. Dinner: 2 eggs, fresh vegetables salad, rye toast, orange. |
Third day |
Lunch: cheese, rye toast, small tomato. Dinner: the chicken fillet or beef made on a grill. |
Fourth day |
Lunch: fruit. Dinner: meat, fresh vegetables salad. |
Fifth day |
Lunch: eggs, boiled vegetables (carrots, zucchini, green peas). Dinner: fresh vegetables salad. |
Sixth day |
Lunch: fruit. Dinner: meat, fresh vegetables salad. |
Seventh day |
Lunch: chicken meat, fresh vegetables, orange. Dinner: boiled vegetables. |
Menu of the second week:
From the first to the third day |
Lunch: beef or chicken meat, fresh vegetables salad. Dinner: 1-2 boiled eggs, half of orange or grapefruit. |
Fourth day |
Lunch: boiled eggs, firm cheese, vegetables. Dinner: boiled eggs. |
Fifth day |
Lunch: sea fish boiled or prepared on a grill. Dinner: boiled eggs. |
Sixth day |
Lunch: meat, tomato, orange or grapefruit. Dinner: fruit salad from a peach, orange, a melon and tangerine. |
Seventh day |
Lunch: beef or chicken meat. Dinner: beef with boiled vegetables, a tomato, orange. |
The menu of the third week, the specified products are used during the day:
First and second days |
Fruit. |
Third day |
Vegetables crude or steamed. |
Fourth day |
Fish, cabbage salad, vegetables. |
Fifth day |
Meat and vegetables. |
Sixth and seventh days |
Fruit. |
The menu of the fourth week, the specified products are used during the day in any sequence and in any combination:
First day |
A half of a boiled chicken, 4 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers, tinned tuna (in own juice), grapefruit or orange. |
Second day |
200 g of a boiled chicken, 2 wholegrain toasts, 4 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers, orange, melon, peach or pear. |
Third day |
Cottage cheese spoon, portion of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers, grapefruit. |
Fourth day |
Half of a boiled chicken, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, fruit of one look. |
Fifth day |
2 boiled eggs, lettuce leaf, 3 tomatoes, orange. |
Sixth day |
Boiled chicken breast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, wholegrain toast, yogurt, grapefruit. |
Seventh day |
Cottage cheese spoon, tinned tuna (in own juice), boiled vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, orange. |
Council 1: It is not necessary to neglect an exercise stress, it promotes maintenance of metabolism at the necessary level and supports muscles in a tone. Occupations swimming, yoga, water aerobics, Pilates are optimum.
Council 2: Boiling can be replaced with processing by steam, preparation on a grill or roasting in an oven.
Council 3: Instead of a tinned tuna it is possible to use any other fish in the boiled, steamed or baked look, and also in the form of canned food in own juice (without oil addition).
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