Main > Drugs> Fenoterolum


Fenoterolum – broncholitic drug, the selection beta2-adrenomimetik.Формула Фенотерола

Pharmacological action of Fenoterolum

Fenoterolum affects beta2-adrenoceptors. The mechanism of effect of drug is directly connected with activation of the catalyst of transformation of ATP that leads to increase and acceleration of education ts-AMF that leads to reduction of concentration of calcium in organellas of cells of muscles which provide their reduction.

At use Fenoterolum, as bronchial spasmolytic, increases the volume of bronchial tubes, volume of the inhaled air and speeds up breath.

Release form

Fenoterolum is issued in the form of tablets, aerosols, solution for inhalations, solution for injections and infusions.

Indications to use

According to the instruction Fenoterolum is applied in the form of inhalations in case of treatment of attacks of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, spastic bronchitis, to prevention of asthma after exercise stresses, by preparation before administration of other medicines.

Also Fenoterolum is used for carrying out bronkhodilatatsionny tests at a research of function of external respiration. It is applied also in obstetrics at threat of premature birth or threat of an abortion after 4 months of pregnancy.

Route of administration

According to the instruction of Fenoterolum at inhalations by this drug for stopping of bronchospasms the single dose makes 0,2 g. Frequency of performing inhalations is not more often than 3 hours. For prevention of attacks of suffocation the mass of a dose of drug makes 0,2 g 3 times a day, for children it is adjusted and makes 0,1 g and with a frequency no more than 4 times a day.Раствор для ингаляций Фенотерол

Side effects of Fenoterolum

Fenoterolum can cause various side effects in work of cardiovascular system, such as: tachycardia, tachycardia, in work of the central nervous system (concern, a tremor, nervousness), from a digestive tract (nausea, vomiting), change of a metabolism, namely increase in percentage of glucose in blood.

Fenoterolum can also cause side effects in work of respiratory system, the increased sweating, weakness, sometimes allergic reactions.

According to reviews of its Fenoterolum patients should accept with extra care with a diabetes mellitus if the myocardial infarction was postponed.


According to the instruction of Fenoterolum it should not be accepted in case of diseases of a subaortic stenosis, tachyarrhythmia, a thyrotoxicosis. At use in obstetrics it is necessary to be careful in case of existence of heart diseases, polycarpous pregnancy, pre-natal infections.

Whether you know that:

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