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Bacterial vaginosis

General characteristic of a disease

Симптомы гарднереллеза

The bacterial vaginosis, is quite widespread infectious disease. It is caused by Gardnerella vaginalis bacterium which got on a mucous membrane of a vagina. A small amount of these microorganisms can be observed also at the healthy woman. To manifestation of symptoms of a bacterial vaginosis only the increased concentration of bacteria of Gardnerella vaginalis brings into a vagina.

The bacterial vaginosis is transferred sexually and occurs approximately at 20% of women of fertile (genital) age. Pregnancy, a menopause, disturbances of hormonal balance, a diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases are considered as the factors contributing to a bacterial vaginosis. The incubation interval from Gardnerella vaginalis infection moment before manifestation of the first symptoms of a bacterial vaginosis makes 3-10 days. The bacterial vaginosis occurs at men at least, but because of asymptomatic disease it is much heavier to diagnose pathology at an early stage.

Bacterial vaginosis symptoms at women

The most favorable environment for reproduction of a bacterium of Gardnerella vaginalis is the vagina. The bacterial vaginosis at women begins with mass reproduction of a microorganism and gradual replacement of the bacteria forming the normal environment of a vagina. The broken vulval microbiocenosis leads to demonstration of the main symptoms of a bacterial vaginosis: to gynecologic inflammatory processes, plentiful glaucous allocations with a specific fish smell, to an itch, burning.

Symptoms of a bacterial vaginosis amplify after sexual intercourse. In the started cases at women the bacterial vaginosis can develop into hemorrhagic cystitis or pyelonephritis. At pregnant women the disease quite often leads to uterine bleedings, a precocious rupture of fetal membranes and premature births, a puerperal endometritis and small weight of the newborn.

Bacterial vaginosis at men

The bacterial vaginosis at men is considered the specific disease which is transmitted exclusively sexually. Feature of this disease is that for a male body in most cases the bacterium of Gardnerella vaginalis is harmless. Serious problems with reproductive health can develop at a bacterial vaginosis at men only with considerably reduced immunity or at high concentration of a pathogenic microorganism. The bacterial vaginosis cases at men which brought to an urethritis, to prostatitises and epididymites (inflammations of appendages of seed plants) are known to medicine. However all these serious complications of a bacterial vaginosis at men are an exception rather, but not the rule. Usually male body copes with an infestant in 2-3 days. Sometimes the carriage of a bacterium of Gardnerella vaginalis without manifestation of any symptoms of a bacterial vaginosis at the man develops.

Diagnosis of a bacterial vaginosis

Laboratory researches of allocations and desquamated cells mucous vaginas are applied to diagnosis of a bacterial vaginosis at women. On existence of a disease states increase in acidity of the vulval environment above 4,5 рН, the positive amine test confirming the increased quantity of anaerobic bacteria, and also detection of microorganisms of Gardnerella vaginalis in desquamated cells of an epithelium of a vagina. The pathogenic bacterium in itself is not yet a bacterial vaginosis symptom as small quantities of a pathogenic microorganism are allowed also at the healthy person.

The most informative method of quantitative definition of a bacterial vaginosis at women the PCR (polymeric chain reaction) technology is considered. It can be also applied at diagnosis of a bacterial vaginosis at men to the analysis of urine, sperm, scraping of an urogenital path and a secret of a prostate. Sensitivity of this method to 100%.

Treatment of a bacterial vaginosis

Незаменимые капсулы при лечении гарднереллеза

Treatment of a bacterial vaginosis at women – the complex, assuming simultaneous decrease in quantity of pathogenic microorganisms, settling of a vagina valuable lactobacilli and the general increase in immunity of an organism. Destruction of Gardnerella vaginalis happens, as a rule, to the help of local antibacterial therapy. Immunity becomes stronger purpose of immunomodulators. The most difficult and long stage of treatment of a bacterial vaginosis at women the population of a vagina is considered beneficial bacteria. Eubitotik with live bacterial cultures are applied to this purpose.

Efficiency of treatment of a bacterial vaginosis at women is defined by results of control tests which are carried out each 4-6 weeks. Treatment of a bacterial vaginosis at men – local, as a rule, without use of antibacterial therapy. In order to avoid repetition of infection therapy of both sexual partners is obligatory. For the entire period of treatment of a bacterial vaginosis patients are recommended to use barrier methods of contraception.

Prevention of a bacterial vaginosis

Prevention of a disease at men consists in use of condoms at accidental sexual bonds, and also in timely diagnosis and treatment of a bacterial vaginosis at the woman – the constant sexual partner. It is possible to avoid development of a bacterial vaginosis in women by means of a healthy lifestyle and careful attitude to the health: thanks to good nutrition, enough a dream, lack of overcoolings and regular visits to the gynecologist.

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