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The ependymoma - is more often the benign neuroectodermal tumor proceeding from cells of the ependyma covering ventricles of a brain and the central channel of a spinal cord. Combinations of ependymomas to Tyurko's syndrome (family adenomatous colon polyposes in a combination to malignant tumors of TsNS), are described by the I type of a syndrome of multiple endocrine displaziya and a neurofibromatosis of the II type.

Ependymoma reasons:

In cells of an ependymoma find antigens or the active SV40 virus, however its role in a carcinogenesis is not proved.


Perivascular pseudo-sockets (tumor cells, radially surrounding blood vessels) and ependimalny sockets (the cylindrical cells surrounding the central gleam).

The ependymoma - the most frequent of this group of tumors, is usually localized in ventricles, causes symptoms of blockade of ways of liquor, the malignancy is possible.

The Miksopapillyarny ependymoma - option of a high-quality ependymoma, is localized in the field of a cone or a horse tail of a spinal cord; the forecast is favorable.

The anaplastic ependymoma (an ependymoblastoma, an ependymoma malignant, atipichesky, dedifferentiation) - malignant option of an ependymoma, is characterized by immaturity of cells, rapid growth, makes 25% of all ependymomas, can metastasize on ways of liquor.

Subependymoma - the fibrillar astrocytoma coming from a glia, adjacent to an ependyma. Slowly growing intra ventricular tumor, small accumulations of tumor cells are characteristic.

Ependymomas can metastasize on likvoroprovodyashchy ways. Metastasises of ependymomas of a brain in a spinal cord call retrograde.

Ependymoma symptoms:

70% of ependymomas at children develop in the IV ventricle, 20% - in side ventricles and 10% - in a horse tail.

Average age of developing of a tumor in the specified areas makes respectively 2, 6 and 13 years.

At adults are located in a spinal cord and side ventricles more often, breaking liquor circulation. Speed of clinical manifestation (a gipertenzionno-gidrotsefalny syndrome) depends on proximity of a point of initial growth to an interventricular foramen of Monroe.

Most part of ependymomas histologically high-quality.

Symptoms of ependymomas are various, they depend on age and a location of a tumor. The most frequent symptoms of this disease are:
regular headaches;
regular nausea and vomiting;
loss of balance and the complicated walking.
slackness and irritability;
children have a gradual decrease in progress at school.


KT and MRT reveal the volume education which is evenly accumulating contrast and well delimited from surrounding fabric. At suspicion of a tumor carry surely out a biopsy. For this purpose open a skull, then delete a sample of tissue of brain which is studied under a microscope on existence of cancer cells and if they are found, then is removed as it is possible the most part of a tumor.



Treatment of an ependymoma:

Treatment of ependymomas surgical. It is extremely important to achieve a full oncotomy. Full removal significantly improves the forecast of a disease. After operation the patient has to study radiotheraphy and chemotherapy.

The forecast favorable (10-year survival - more than 50%). At children the forecast is worse. Ependymomas of any localization and at any volume of a resection almost always recur.

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