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Children's roseola


Children's roseola — the infectious disease extended among small children is preferential to 2-year age.

Other names: Dieback субитум, sixth disease, pseudorubella, sudden dieback, children's three-day fever, roseola infantum, exanthema subitum, pseudorubella.

Reasons of a children's roseola:

Activators belong to group of viruses of herpes 6 and 7 types, are characterized by the T-cellular limfotropiya. The human virus of herpes 6 (VPG 6) is the roseola activator at children, and causes a syndrome of chronic fatigue in adults. In 10% of cases connection with type VPG 7 is established. Viruses through blood get into skin and cause fabric damages, mononuclear cells infect and stimulate production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleykin-1b and a necrosis factor опухоли-α). Contagiums react with the circulating and cellular immune factors, as causes emergence of a dieback.

Symptoms of a children's roseola:

Exanthema subitum treats the most frequent ekzantema of early children's age. Way of transfer airborne. Incubation interval of 5-15 days. Time of the maximum manifestation between 6 and 24 months of life. At the age of 4 years almost at all children antibodies are defined. Seasonality — spring and the beginning of summer is characteristic.
Usually the disease begins sharply, with rise in temperature to febrile figures. Further, in a day or two, fluidifying of a chair can be observed, it is possible with slime impurity. At the same time there are no other displays of a disease. There are no catarral phenomena, cough, cold. In 3-4 days of persistent fever there is makulopapulezny rash — at first on a face, a breast and a stomach, and in several hours on all body. In this stage mandibular lymph nodes can increase. After emergence of rash temperature does not rise any more. Rash gradually dies away, without leaving pigmentation or a peeling.

At the general blood test there is a leukopenia, a relative lymphocytosis. Also serological diagnosis — quadruple increase of a caption of IgG can be applied.

Кожная сыпь при детской розеолы

Skin rash at the nursery of a roseola

Treatment of a children's roseola:

Specific treatment is not required. During rise in temperature antipyretics (an ibuprofen, paracetamol) are applied. At children with immunosuppression use of a foskarnet, acyclovir is possible.

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