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Stomatitis means inflammatory process in an oral cavity. In more scientific sense stomatitis is the inflammation of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity taking a gingiva, language, cheeks, bays, the sky and a bottom of an oral cavity. There are two main types of stomatitis: contact and aphthous stomatitis. Contact stomatitis is the inflammation of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity caused by reaction to allergen or the irritating substance. Some cases of contact stomatitis remain unnoticed due to the lack of clinical signs. Any person irrespective of race, age and a floor can get sick with contact stomatitis. Though it is noted that he meets at adults more often.

Aphthous stomatitis is also known as a stomacace. Ulcers (afta) rpisyvatsya as small, discrete and painful educations, and are, as a rule, visible on mucous membranes. This type of stomatitis in most cases localized usually does not cause complications. Ulcers can remain within 1 - 2 weeks, but can remain also within a month.

Stomatitis symptoms:

Aphthous stomatitis is shown on a ventral surface of language, a mucous membrane of cheeks, lips, a soft palate, gums, pharyngeal almonds and a mouth floor. 80% of all cases fall to the share of aphthous stomatitis. It is characterized by small and erethistic ulcers, with a diameter up to 1 cm. An ulcer (afta) can be localized in one area (to be limited, for example, to a mucous membrane of cheeks or gums), and can be widespread on all oral cavity.
When progressing a condition of an ulcer can go deep and merge among themselves. Their borders are also not accurately outlined.

The most widespread example of aphthous stomatitis is herpetic stomatitis. At this form of a disease ulcers to 1 - 3 mm in the diameter are observed. Usually afta are grouped.

The general symptoms of contact stomatitis are burning, pains, paresthesias, numbness, taste disturbance, hypersalivation, a perioral itch.

Проявления афтозного стоматита

Displays of aphthous stomatitis

Stomatitis reasons:

Stomatitis has various clinical manifestations, including an orofatsialny granulomatosis, a leukoplakia, oral lichenoid reaction and some other.
The Orofatsialny granulomatosis can develop because of contact with allergens, such as gold, mercury or certain types of food. A contact small tortoiseshell is characterized by hypostasis of a mucous membrane of a mouth, language, lips and a heavy itch of gums. Most often similar symptoms of an obuslovlna allergic reaction to latex. The leukoplakia appears from behind an allergy to metals, such as nickel. This defeat can proceed asymptomatically and, as a rule, the center of defeat is located in a middle part of a cheek. Erythematic defeats are caused by toothpaste and liquid for rinsing of a mouth. The person who has erythematic defeats can complain of burning to oral cavities. Erosion or ulcers can be caused by long contact with substances, for example, the tableted vitamins. Oral lichenoid reaction is result of influence of palladium chloride, copper sulfate and gold.
Also anemia as a result of deficit of B12 vitamin, folic acid and iron is the reason of aphthous stomatitis. People who have anemia most likely have also aphthous stomatitis.

Treatment of Stomatitis:

Approach to treatment of contact and aphthous stomatitis is various. At contact stomatitis the first action is definition of the reason and its elimination. System steroids are given if necessary. For elimination of an itch and pain it is possible to suggest to rassasyvat ice cubes.
At aphthous stomatitis if the activator is unknown, apply measures of disease-prevention and palliative care. Creams, gels, pastes, ointments, tinctures for rinsing and sprays can be applied. The majority of these drugs contain corticosteroids. At inefficiency of treatment pass to system drugs.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Stomatitis:

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