DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Endocrinology Hypothermal syndrome

Hypothermal syndrome


Usually body temperature normal makes 36,6 °C. But there are many people for which norm are figures is lower or higher than temperature, usual for all. They feel normally, temperature deviation from norm does not influence their health.

If temperature is reduced and you feel from it badly (below 36 °C,  are temperature, not normal for you, and it lasts more than 2-3 days), then the reason of such decrease needs to be found.

Such state is frequent is characteristic of pregnant women or feeding, can appear also at the people who are not connected  with these states.

Symptoms of the Hypothermal syndrome:

From 34, 9 to 35, 2:

We do not even consider lower indications of a thermometer as it is an unambiguous occasion to call the ambulance with resuscitation. And so, if the mercury column stood about a mark of 35 degrees, it can say about what at you, is possible:

- disturbance of work of a thyroid gland, hypothyroidism;

- shift of a blood count;

- sharp "collapse" of immunity – for example, after a course of antibiotics or specific therapy;

- you underwent radiation exposure.

That is, apparently from the list of the reasons, all of them assume the address to the doctor. You can make the general blood tests at once and urine that the doctor could see key changes and direct you to more subject inspection.

There is one more interesting reason for strong temperature drop – a condition of a heavy, I'm sorry, hangover. Such hypothermia is connected with the broken vascular reaction.

From 35,3 to 35,8:
Moderately reduced body temperature which can mean nothing especially dangerous and can mean. For example, here that:

- seasonal depression;

- "syndrome of chronic fatigue";

- asthenic syndrome;

- disturbance of digestion of protein in an organism;

- abnormal liver function and gall bladder;

- initial stage of a diabetes mellitus.

If you constantly freeze, feels feverish you, you have cold wet hands and a foot – see a doctor. Perhaps, there is nothing terrible, and you should change a day regimen and a diet. The matter is that sometimes people with vegeto-vascular dystonia thus react to changes of weather, and it is necessary just to learn to behave correctly in it the periods.

Reasons of the Hypothermal syndrome:

The reasons of the lowered temperature:

    * - immunity (it is necessary to consult with the immunologist, to make an immunogramma) is reduced,
    * - recently postponed disease
    * - hemoglobin (to make the general blood test) is lowered,
    * - neurocirculatory dystonia on hypotensive type (NTsD), as a result of overfatigue, a sleep debt, the wrong diet or too high physical activity
    * - asthenic syndrome
    * - internal bleeding
    * - organism intoxication
    * - disturbance of activity of endocrine system, a hypothyroidism, diseases of adrenal glands (to make ultrasonography, to make the test on hormones)
    * - tendency to the lowered pressure (hypotonia) — to address the cardiologist
    * - strong fatigue, the overstrain connected with a new state (you became a mother), a sleep debt at night, some exhaustion of an organism because of feeding by a breast.
    * brain disease

Treatment of the Hypothermal syndrome:

If after inspection no noticeable disturbances are revealed, in treatment preferential non-drug methods are used:

    * normalization of a way of life,
    * the tempering procedures,
    * physiotherapy exercises,
    * moderate sports activities.

It is used:

    * physical therapy,
    * balneoterapiya,
    * sanatorium treatment.

After you found resistant decrease in temperature, it is necessary to see a doctor and to make all necessary tests.

In such state, it is necessary to balance food, to protect itself from reexhaustions and stresses, it is good to sleep.

If the reason of the lowered body temperature consists in constant stresses, it is possible to pick up effective soothing. It is necessary to begin with the drugs containing vegetable raw materials.  Effectively the aralia, a ginseng and элеутерококк struggle with a stress (toning — these medicines need to be accepted in the morning and during the lunchtime as they have property of stimulation of an organism therefore if to accept such means for the night, it is possible not to fall asleep); a valerian, a pustryrnik, a hawthorn, hop (calming — it is better to accept for the night).  Course of treatment from 3 to 4 weeks.

If vegetable drugs did not help, it is necessary to see a doctor for purpose of stronger chemical drugs.

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