DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Pulmonology The infected bronchiectasias

The infected bronchiectasias


Is a bronchoectatic disease complication.

Symptoms the Infected bronchiectasias:

Stage of II - a stage of suppuration of bronchiectasias. It can be subdivided into two periods. In the first period the disease is clinically shown by a purulent bronchitis with aggravations in the form of bronkhopnevmoniya. In the second period the disease is followed by constant cough with allocation of a purulent phlegm from 100 to 200 ml/days. The pneumorrhagia or bleeding is sometimes observed. The exacerbation of a disease in the form of bronchial pneumonia is observed 2-3 times a year. There are purulent intoxication, respiratory and heart failure. At X-ray inspection reveal widespread defeat (1-2 shares), sites of fibrosis of pulmonary fabric. During the periods of an aggravation pneumonia focuses appear.

Stage of III - a destruction stage. It can be also subdivided into two periods: Sha - is characterized by a severe disease. At patients the expressed intoxication is observed. The quantity of the allocated purulent phlegm increases to 500-600 ml/days; there are frequent blood spitting, pulmonary bleedings. Partially reversible abnormal liver functions and kidneys develop. Radiological reveal a set of saccular bronchiectasias, a widespread pneumosclerosis, mediastinum shift towards the affected lung.

In IIIB stage heavy cardiac disturbances, respiratory insufficiency, irreversible dystrophic changes of a liver and kidneys join the listed IIIA symptoms of a stage.

The reasons the Infected bronchiectasias:

Develops in the 2 and 3 stages of a bronchoectatic disease, at accession of an infection.

Treatment the Infected bronchiectasias:

Surgical treatment is shown to patients in the II-III stage of a disease, is preferential at the localized forms when defeat extends to rather limited part of a lung which removal will not affect quality of life of the patient. One of important conditions for carrying out operation is lack of the contraindications caused by associated diseases. At stage IIIB radical operation is impracticable because of prevalence of process and irreversible dysfunctions of internals.

Operation consists the struck part of a lung at a distance. Carry out a segmentectomy, a lobectomy, a bilobectomy. At limited bilateral defeats bilateral resections of lungs are possible. They are carried out in one step or consistently at first on one, then on other party since a lung in which changes are most expressed. When scoping operation it is necessary to remember a frequent combination of defeat by bronchiectasias of the lower share with defeat of a lingular segment (at the left) and an average share (on the right).

Features of operations at a bronchoectatic disease the same, as at other purulent diseases of lungs. After operation, even at the large volume of the deleted part of a lung (or lungs), at young people the general state quickly improves and working capacity is recovered. Therefore it is reasonable to operate patients at children's age (7-15 years) and not later than 30-45 years.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment the Infected bronchiectasias:

  • Препарат Цефоктам.


    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Цефуроксим во флаконах 750мг №1/750мг №5.

    Tsefuroksim in bottles of 750 mg No. 1/750mg No.

    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Цефазолин-Белмед.


    Antibiotic of group of cephalosporins.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Вицеф®.


    Antimicrobic means for system use. Beta лактамные antibiotics. Generation cephalosporins III.

    LLC ABOLMED Russia

  • Препарат Ципрофлоксацин 0,2%.

    Ciprofloxacin of 0,2%

    Antimicrobic means, фторхинолон.

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Ципрофлоксацин 0,08%.

    Ciprofloxacin of 0,08%

    Antimicrobic means, фторхинолон.

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Кимацеф.


    Antimicrobic means for system use. Cephalosporins of the second generation.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Цефтазидим-акос.


    Generation cephalosporin III.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья