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Respiratory and syncytial infection


Respiratory and syncytial infection - the acute viral disease which is characterized by the phenomena of moderate intoxication and damage of preferential lower parts of a respiratory organs with frequent development of bronchitis, bronchiolites, pneumonia.

The PC virus belongs to paramyxoviruses, diameter of virion of 90-120 nanometers, incorporates RNA with characteristic spiral-shaped structure and complement-linked antigen. Characteristic property of this virus is ability to cause formation of a sincytium or pseudogiant cells in culture of fabric. Breeds in culture of HeLa fabrics, NER-2 and kidneys of an embryo of the person. In external environment it is unstable, at a temperature of 55 °C it is inactivated within 5 min.

The respiratory and syncytial infection is widespread everywhere, is registered all the year round, the greatest rise in incidence is observed in the winter and in the spring. A source of an infection is the sick person in the acute period of a disease. It is transferred in the airborne way. It is more often observed at children of early age, however the high susceptibility and adults is noted. At a drift of this infection in child care facilities practically all children aged up to one year get sick.

Symptoms of the Respiratory and syncytial infection:

The incubation interval makes 3-6 days. At adults the disease in most cases proceeds in the form of a slight respiratory disease with symptoms of slight intoxication. The moderate headache, slackness is noted. Body temperature is usually subfebrile, sometimes reaches 38 °C. In uncomplicated cases duration of the feverish period makes 2-7 days.

Catarral changes are shown in the form of rhinitis, a moderate hyperemia of a soft palate, handles, is more rare - a back wall of a throat.

The leading symptom of a PC infection is dry, long, pristupoobrazny cough which can last to 3 weeks. Patients can have an asthma of expiratory type, feeling of weight in a thorax, cyanosis of lips. At auscultation in lungs scattered rattles, rigid breath are listened. The disease is frequent (about 25%) is complicated by pneumonia. On roentgenograms at the same time strengthening of the drawing with existence of ring-shaped educations or small linear tyazhy due to consolidation of walls of bronchial tubes and sites of bronchiolar emphysema is found. In 7-10 days they disappear, full normalization of the pulmonary drawing happens a bit later.

The most severe forms of a disease causing lethal outcomes in 0,5% of cases are inherent to children up to one year. The disease proceeds with the high fever expressed by a headache, vomiting, excitement. Signs of damage of lower parts of a respiratory path - constant cough, an asthma, an asthmatic syndrome, in lungs plentiful mixed wet rattles are characteristic. At survey of the child note pallor of the person, cyanosis of lips, in hard cases - a Crocq's disease. In the first days of a disease children can have a liquid or kashitseobrazny chair.

Reasons of the Respiratory and syncytial infection:

Studying of a pathogeny of this disease is complicated. Clinical disease as natural, and at an experimental infection at adults, does not reflect essence of the process developing at children as at adults the disease proceeds as an acute respiratory disease more often. It is considered that at a PC infection of the leader pathology of the lower respiratory tracts and the most characteristic - severe damage of bronchioles is.

Inflammatory changes develop in an initial stage on a mucous membrane of a nose and a throat, and at adults process can be limited to defeat of these departments. At children aged about one year bronchioles and a parenchyma of lungs with existence of a necrosis of a tracheobronchial epithelium and necrotic obturatsionny bronchiolitis usually are surprised that leads to obstruction of bronchial tubes slime lumps. The arising spasm leads to formation of atelectases and emphysema that promotes developing of virus and bacterial pneumonia.

Humoral immunity after the postponed disease remains all life.

Респираторно-синцитиальный вирус человека

Respiratory and syncytial virus of the person

Treatment of the Respiratory and syncytial infection:

The group of authors considers that nothing helps with treatment of the bronchiolitis caused by a respiratory syncytial virus in newborns not, except oxygen, adrenaline, bronchodilators, steroids and рибавирин give any real advantage.

Treatment consists in a maintenance therapy, plentiful drink and supply of oxygen through a mask is recommended. In case of spasms of bronchial tubes appoint Albuterolum. For reduction of the efforts necessary for breath, through nasal cannulas give the increased flow of the moistened air.

It is shown that the hypertensive 3% the saline solution given with inhalations are inexpensive and efficiently treatments of the newborns hospitalized with a moderately severe virus bronchiolitis, for example, in case of the virus bronchiolitis caused by a respiratory syncytial virus.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Respiratory and syncytial infection:

  • Препарат Гипорамин.


    Antiviral means.

    CJSC Pharmtsentr Villar Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья