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Cirrhosis - chronic progressing or is more rare not progressing diffusion polyetiological disease of a liver, with various degree of manifestation of signs of a functional hepatic unsufficiency and portal hypertensia which is a final stage of development most often of adversely proceeding forms of chronic hepatitis, a consequence of difficulty of outflow of bile or blood from a liver or genetically caused metabolic defects. This disease is characterized by a considerable degrowth of the functioning hepatocytes, sharply expressed fibroziruyushchy reaction, reorganization of structure of a parenchyma - cytovery tectonics of a segment and vascular network of a liver.

Cirrhosis symptoms:

Cirrhosis develops more often within many months, and is more often than years. During this time under the influence of alien antigens (viruses B, C, D, G, F, an alcoholic hyalin, pharmakopreparata, professional toxic chemicals) the gene device of hepatocytes and other cells of a liver changes. At the same time arise new generation of pathological cells. The described process has immunoinflammatory character. The great value gets also direct impact on a liver of toxic substances (alcohol, toxic chemicals, pharmakopreparat).

Cirrhoses of a liver it is characterized by a variety of specific symptoms and they depend on an etiology, a stage of a disease and activity of process. To 60% of patients have a bright clinical picture, at 20% of patients cirrhosis proceeds latentno and behind a mask of other gastroenterological disease, - cirrhoses of a liver it is found in 20% for autopsies.

Initial clinical manifestations (frequent it is not initial, and developed, but the patient addresses for the first time) cirrhoses of a liver are many-sided: increase in a liver, nasal bleedings, jaundice, temperature increase, a skin itch, bystry saturation at food with feeling of overflow of a stomach, a hematemesis, a meteorism, pains or feeling of weight in an upper half of a stomach, loss in body weight, astenisation and decrease in working capacity.

The most essential morphological feature of cirrhosis is total nodular regenerator and fibroplastic reorganization of a parenchyma of a liver. This change reflects a cardinal symptom in a clinical picture - consolidation of a liver with deformation of its surface and a point of a first line of a liver. Originally both hepatic lobes no more than increase by 3-10 cm, further - preferential left share at the normal or reduced sizes right, in final stages both shares decrease. Portal stagnation of blood at an initial stage is clinically shown by a moderate splenomegaly.
Symptoms inherent to cirrhosis: hepatomegalia, splenomegaly and hypersplenism, portal hypertensia, hemorrhagic or edematous and ascitic syndromes.

Изменение печени при циррозе

Change of a liver at cirrhosis

Cirrhosis reasons:

On an etiology cirrhoses can be divided into three groups:

  1.s the established etiological factors; disputable etiological factors;
  3.neyasnoy etiologies.

The etiology of cirrhoses is based on epidemiological, clinical and laboratory trials.

The doctrine about cirrhosis is inseparably linked with researches on studying of development of this disease and an alcohol abuse. Long time development of cirrhosis was connected with defective food of the alcoholic, but not with direct influence of alcohol. Alcoholic cirrhoses called nutritive or alimentary.

Treatment of Cirrhosis:

The liver has surprising ability to self-recovery, and treatment of cirrhosis at an initial stage can be quite successful. However changes of structure of a liver remain irreversible.

Eventually, the forecast of treatment of cirrhosis depends on a disease stage – in case of development of complications long therapy and even transplantation can be required.

From conservative methods of treatment of cirrhosis it is possible to call observance of a special diet, refusal of alcohol, smoking, a harmful way of life. For prevention and protection of hepatocytes use special drugs – gepatoprotektor, the effect of which, however, remains disputable. At the moment therapy by stem cells which yields very worthy results passes tests.

Surgical treatment of cirrhosis is a transplantation of body. In a case with a liver change from the living donor as for recovery of hepatic function it is enough also a part of a liver is possible. It is necessary to remember that transplantation operation – heartrending experience for an organism which demands a careful research of compatibility of fabrics and preparation for change. Survival with a donor liver leaves 5-8 years for today.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Cirrhosis:

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