DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Concentric weak-mindedness

Concentric weak-mindedness


Concentric weak-mindedness is a type of the acquired weak-mindedness (dementia). characterized by peculiar disturbances of thinking.

Symptoms of Concentric weak-mindedness:

Epileptic (concentric) weak-mindedness is characterized by an extreme point of characterologic features, rigidity, rigidity of course of all mental processes, delay of thinking, its thoroughness, difficulty of switching of attention, depletion of a lexicon, tendency to the use of the same stamped expressions. In character it is shown by rancor, vindictiveness, petty punctuality, pedantry and along with it is hypocrisy, a vzryvchivost. At a steady progrediyentnost of pathological process, increase of rigidity and thoroughness of people it is less capable to diverse social functioning, sticks in trifles, the focus of his interests and activity is more and more narrowed (the name of weak-mindedness from here - "concentric").

Reasons of Concentric weak-mindedness:

Epileptic (concentric) weak-mindedness is most often shown at epilepsy though can meet also at various organic diseases of a brain.

Treatment of Concentric weak-mindedness:

Treatment of a basic disease, in particular epilepsies is carried out. High doses of nootrop (piracetam, entry, Encephabolum), the drugs improving cerebral circulation are appointed.

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