DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Traumatology and orthopedics Arthritis of a hip joint (Coxarthrosis)

Arthritis of a hip joint (Coxarthrosis)


Coxarthrosis - the deforming arthrosis of a hip joint, the disease which is the leader among degenerative and dystrophic diseases of a musculoskeletal system. Very often this disease can be heard also under other naming - an osteoarthrosis of a hip joint.

Symptoms of Arthritis of a hip joint (Coxarthrosis):

It is possible to allocate the general symptoms of a coxarthrosis of a hip joint, but it is necessary to understand that symptoms depend on a disease stage:
joint, hip pain, inguinal area, in a knee, as at loading, and at rest;
rigidity and constraint of movements;
the sore leg becomes shorter;
there is an atrophy of muscles of a hip;
The main symptom of a coxarthrosis and the main complaint with which patients see a doctor - is pain. Character, duration, intensity and which localization depends on a disease stage. At an initial stage when it is the best of all to begin treatment, joint pains are pretty poorly expressed. For this reason patients do not hurry to see a doctor at once, hoping that pains will pass in a wonderful way in itself. And it is the most important mistake which leads to loss of time and destruction of a joint. Pain begins to amplify, and mobility of the patient of a leg is limited. Pain develops already at the first steps and abates only at rest. The patient begins to limp, dropping when walking to a sore leg. Muscles of a hip atrophy - dry out and decrease in the volume.
The most interesting that the atrophy of muscles of a hip becomes the reason for emergence of pains in a knee and in places of an attachment of sinews. And intensity of pains in a knee can be much more brightly expressed, than femoral or inguinal. For this reason very often make the wrong diagnosis - arthrosis of a knee joint and the doctor appoints not so suitable treatment, but the real disease only progresses.
By the way, hip and groin pain, can be caused in the patient not only arthrosis. Very often pains are given to these areas from the inflamed femoral sinew or the damaged department of a backbone. And complaints of such patients practically for 100% match complaints of those people who are sick with a coxarthrosis of a hip joint. Therefore trust the correct diagnosis only to experienced doctors. Diagnosis of degree of a disease and the choice of a method of treatment are defined only by the doctor!
Coxarthrosis degrees.
Distinguish three degrees of arthrosis of a hip joint:
The periodic pains arising after exercise stresses (long walking or run) are characteristic of a coxarthrosis of 1 degree. Generally pain concentrates in the field of a hip joint, arises in a hip and a knee joint less often. Usually after rest pain passes. Amplitude of movements at the same time is not limited, gait is not broken, an animal force is not changed. If to make at this stage to the patient X-ray, then the insignificant bone growths but which at the same time are not going out of the joint bay are visible. Bone growths are located around the inner or outer edge of a joint surface of a shackle hollow. The neck and a head of a femur are almost not changed. The joint crack is unevenly narrowed.
At a coxarthrosis 2 degrees of pain amplify and have more intensive character. In addition to joint pains, they are given to the inguinal area, a hip and arise even at rest. Long walking causes lameness. The joint cannot normally function any more. Internal rotation and assignment of a hip is considerably limited. The muscles which are taking away and unbending a hip lose the former force. On the roentgenogram of the patient already considerable bone growths both on internal, and on an outer edge of a shackle hollow, overstepping the bounds of a cartilaginous lip are visible. The head of a femur is deformed, increases in volume and has an uneven contour. In the most loaded parts of a head and a shackle hollow formations of a cyst are possible. The neck of a femur extends and thickened. The crack of a hip joint is unevenly narrowed (to 1/3 - 1/4 initial heights). At the patient the tendency to the shift of a head of a coxofemoral bone to top is observed.
Pains at a coxarthrosis 3 degrees have already constant character arising even at night. When walking the patient needs to use a cane. The movements in a joint are sharply limited, muscles of a hip, a shin and a buttock - atrophy. Because of weakness of abductors of a hip, there is a basin inclination in the frontal plane that leads to shortening of an extremity on the sick party. That when walking to reach a floor, to the patient to have to step on fingers of foot and to incline the trunk on the sick party. Thus to have to compensate shortening of an extremity and an inclination of a basin. But the way of compensation leads to movement of the center of gravity and to surplus loads on a joint. On roentgenograms extensive bone growths from a head of a femur and a roof of a shackle hollow are visible. The joint crack is sharply narrowed. The neck of a femur is considerably expanded.

Reasons of Arthritis of a hip joint (Coxarthrosis):

- loading as a result of excess weight;
- hard physical activity;
- joint dysplasia;
- acute or chronic microtraumas of a coxofemoral joint;
- joint inflammation;
- hormonal disturbances (age, at diabetes and so forth).

Treatment of Arthritis of a hip joint (Coxarthrosis):

elimination of a joint pain,
decrease in load of a femoral head,
active healing of defects of joint cartilages,
strengthening of circumarticular muscles,
recovery of mobility of a joint.

Conservative methods of treatment:

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVP).
Muscle relaxants: Mydocalmum, сирдалуд.
Ointments which part NPVP are.
Physical therapy.
Intra joint injections of steroid drugs.
Physiotherapy exercises.
Manual and underwater massage.
Electrostimulation of muscles.
Orthopedic mode.

Operational methods of treatment:

It is applied at inefficiency of conservative treatment. From a large number of types of endoprostheses frequent use received bipolar endoprosthesis replacement at which the head and an acetabular hollow of a hip are exposed to replacement.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Arthritis of a hip joint (Coxarthrosis):

  • Препарат Хондромед.


    Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs (NPVS).

    SOOO "Lekfarm" Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Румалон®.


    Regenerations stimulator.

    CJSC Bryntsalov-A Russia

  • Препарат Траумель С.

    Traumel With

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany


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