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Pulmonary mycoplasmosis


Mycoplasmosis is respiratory infection which activator are microbes from group of mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmas it is the small microbes parasitizing in cells of respiratory tracts of the person. Except respiratory tracts of a mycoplasma are capable to strike urinogenital system, joints.

Symptoms of Pulmonary mycoplasmosis:

The causative agent of pulmonary mycoplasmosis is the mycoplasma pneumonia (Mycoplasma pneumoniae). The mycoplasmal infection is most widespread among children of preschool age and in children's collectives is capable to cause the disease centers.
Pulmonary mycoplasmosis is transmitted in the airborne way with droplets of a phlegm and saliva which are allocated with the sick person during cough, and also a contact way, through the things infected with a phlegm and the patient's saliva (in children's collectives it can be toys, the general chewing gum, food).
Pulmonary (respiratory) mycoplasmosis can proceed in the form of Mycoplasmal bronchitis or Mycoplasmal pneumonia.
Initial symptoms of mycoplasmosis it is pains and irritation in a throat, a dry annoying tussiculation, a nose congestion. Children with mycoplasmosis the main symptom of a disease can have a dry annoying cough arising against the background of slight increase of temperature. Parents often confuse mycoplasmosis symptoms to symptoms of a slight cold and begin independent treatment (expectorants, antibechic mixtures antibiotics) which, for the obvious reasons, remains ineffectual.

Mycoplasmal pneumonia develops at children, and also young adults as a complication of mycoplasmal bronchitis. The course of mycoplasmal pneumonia reminds flu: a pharyngalgia, gradual temperature increase (to 39 C), dry cough, the expressed asthma (the complicated breath), weakness. Cough at mycoplasmal pneumonia quite often is followed by allocation of a small amount of a purulent phlegm (at a phlegm there can sometimes be present be blood traces).  On X-ray of easy patients the indistinct shadows designating the scattered centers of pneumonia decide on mycoplasmal pneumonia.
The course of mycoplasmal pneumonia, in general, favorable, however in certain cases, the weakened patients can have complications (meningitis, arthritis, nephrite).
Symptoms of pulmonary mycoplasmosis are almost indistinguishable from symptoms of a chlamydial infection of respiratory tracts (pulmonary clamidiosis). However treatment of both diseases is almost identical therefore at suspicion on Chlamidia or mycoplasmal respiratory infection and in the absence of an opportunity to establish responsible for a disease, it is possible to undergo trial treatment. The mycoplasmal infection is capable to cause not only bronchitis and pneumonia, but also sinusitis in children (for example, antritis), pharyngitis. Except respiratory tracts of a mycoplasma are capable to strike urinogenital system, joints.

Reasons of Pulmonary mycoplasmosis:

Mycoplasmas are a group of the microorganisms parasitizing in epithelial (cover) cells of respiratory tracts of the person. Mycoplasmas, as well as chlamydias (causative agents of clamidioses), are deprived of a strong cell wall and own device for energy synthesis therefore for life and reproduction of a mycoplasma use resources of the cells infected with them. Ability of mycoplasmas to cause a disease is explained by the following phenomena:

    Mycoplasmas have the small sizes and are located only in the infected cells. Such arrangement protects them from action of cells of immune system and antibodies (mycoplasmas "as if hide" in human body cells).

    Mycoplasmas are mobile and at destruction of one cell are capable to move quickly in intercellular space to other cells to infect them.

    Mycoplasmas are capable to be attached to covers of cells therefore the infection (mycoplasmosis) arises even after penetration into an organism of small quantity of microbes strongly.

    Getting in cells of an epithelium of respiratory tracts (a cell the covering surface of a trachea, bronchial tubes) mycoplasmas begin to breed actively and practically at once will paralyze normal work of the infected cells.

    The most surprising and important feature of mycoplasmas explaining the chronic course of mycoplasmosis is strong structural likeness of mycoplasmas with some components of normal body tissues of the person. So, the immune system of the person of the patient with mycoplasmosis, badly distinguishes these microbes that the long time in the infected fabrics allows them to survive.

    Besides, mycoplasmas (as well as chlamydias) are not sensitive to the majority of antibiotics, than complexity of treatment of a mycoplasmal infection speaks.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae - этиологический агент легочного микоплазмоза

Mycoplasma pneumoniae - the etiological agent of pulmonary mycoplasmosis

Treatment of Pulmonary mycoplasmosis:

Treatment of mycoplasmosis depends on a disease form. Before an initiation of treatment it is necessary to carry out diagnosis as treatment of mycoplasmosis considerably differs from treatment of usual bacterial or viral bronchitis. At pulmonary mycoplasmosis treatment includes:

        * Course of antibiotics: one of drugs of group of macroleads (for example, Eritromitsin of 500 mg/day for adults and 50мг/кг/день for children – 5-6 days), tetracycline, ftorkhinolon.
        * Antibechics can be used only in an onset of the illness (the first 1-2 days) for simplification of dry painful cough.
        * Expectorants at pulmonary mycoplasmosis are appointed preferential in case of mycoplasmal pneumonia or for simplification of cough in the next days of treatment of bronchitis.

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