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Alcoholic poisoning


The acute alcoholic poisoning usually arises owing to abuse of hard alcoholic drinks and alcoholic substitutes. In the latter case, however, it is necessary to allocate what active agent contained in this "substitute of alcohol" – for example, acetone, methyl alcohol, etc.

Alcoholic poisoning symptoms:

The first symptom of an alcoholic poisoning – a loss of consciousness, a deep sleep,  a coma. Distinguish three stages of coma at alcoholic poisoning on severity.

Superficial coma. Pupils are narrowed, but react to light. From a mouth – a pungent smell of that alcoholic drink which was taken before by the patient. In attempt to bring round vapors of liquid ammonia of the patient reacts the corresponding grimace and the protective movements of hands, but does not recover. The forecast is usually favorable. If in this stage to the patient by means of a gastric tube to make a gastric lavage, then he quickly recovers consciousness.

Moderately severe Côme. Differs from previous in the expressed relaxation of a muscle tone. Reacts to steam inhalation of liquid ammonia poorly. The gastric lavage does not bring consciousness recovery. Such patients demand hospitalization in toxicological department.

Deep coma. Total absence of tendon  jerks. Pupils are narrowed or (at breath disturbance) wide and do not react to light. Painful sensitivity and reaction to liquid ammonia is absent. The emergency hospitalization in toxicological department is required.

It is necessary to know that all types of a drunkenness can be followed by retraction of language which blocks access of air to a throat and to lungs, hit of slime and emetic masses in respiratory tracts. Blood pressure  in a condition of an easy coma is usually increased, but in a condition of a deep coma it falls to critical figures.  Increase of pulse is characteristic. The alcoholic coma should be distinguished from a craniocereberal injury (often at drunk there is their combination), from a stroke, and also from poisoning with drugs.

Alcoholic poisoning reasons:

The single dose from 4 to 12 grams on kilogram of weight of the person is considered deadly. These about 500 grams of pure alcohol. However this indicator fluctuates. So, for example, for the "trained" alcoholics it can be much higher, and for absolute nondrinkers – below. Influences also – whether the person drank this dose quickly, in a volley or within, let us assume, days, on full or on a hungry stomach, etc. Inhabitants of a midland and Far North are more often poisoned with hard alcoholic drinks. In toxicological department it is about a quarter of all  poisonings.

Treatment of the Alcoholic poisoning:

Acute management (in mild and average cases) in house conditions. To allow it to inhale fumes of liquid ammonia to bring into consciousness. If the patient does not recover – better not to undertake any measures, but it is obligatory to call an ambulance crew.  If the patient in consciousness, it needs to clear a stomach, having allowed to drink 3 — 4 glasses of warm water where it is necessary to add about one teaspoon of baking soda on a glass of water, and then to cause in it vomiting pressing by a spoon on a language root. That vomiting did not get into airways, to lay the patient sideways. After all this to allow to drink strong hot tea or coffee. It is not recommended to undertake any measures for removal of the person from a heavy alcoholic coma independently. If the person at a cotton wool present with liquid ammonia does not recover – the gastric lavage is not recommended – water can get into airways. If you are precisely known that the patient got poisoned with methyl alcohol, then to give it to drink medical alcohol or vodka which is less dangerous here and, on the contrary, is antidote at poisoning with a methylene. To give to the patient fresh air: to undo a clothes collar, to weaken a belt of trousers, to open windows and doors or, better, to take out the patient on fresh air. To repeatedly allow to smell liquid ammonia and to give it to drink: 5-10 drops on a half-glass of water. If there is no liquid ammonia it is possible to allow to smell horse-radish or vinegar in order that the patient did not fell into a repeated coma.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Alcoholic poisoning:

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