Main > Food stuffs> Raisin


Useful properties of raisin

Raisin is received by drying of grapes of different grades, it contains oleanolovy and wine acids, vitamins, iron, magnesium, boron, cellulose, fructose, mineral salts, glucose. – 260-280kkat raisin caloric content in 100 g.


In spite of the fact that grapes are dried, raisin keeps its useful properties. It is useful at anemia, it stimulates immunity, strengthens cardiovascular system, raises hemoglobin, improves sight, helps to prevent osteoporosis and it is correct to acquire calcium, well affects work of a nervous system, lungs, hearts.

Useful properties of raisin are most expressed in fruits of dark color. It is explained by the fact that dark grapes are more useful white, in it there are more antioxidants, vitamin C, other useful microelements.

Use of raisin

It is regular to use raisin it is shown by the sick anemia suffering from disturbance of digestion, function of kidneys at exhaustion and excessive exercise stresses.

For maintenance of operability of a cardiac muscle it is recommended to take raisin according to such scheme: two kilograms of dried grapes without stones wash out and dry up. One kilogram is eaten thus – on 40 pieces on an empty stomach in the morning then the second kilogram of dried fruits is eaten on decreasing: 39, 38, 37 pieces a day, etc. It is useful to carry out such prevention twice a year.

For strengthening of a muscle of heart also the raisins and nuts overwound via the meat grinder will help. To use them advise at least once a week. Considering raisin caloric content, this means cannot be abused that who has problems with weight

At cough, supertension, pharyngalgias, pneumonia, bronchitis raisin decoction helps: 100gr dried fruits cook in 200 ml of water for 10 min. Take drink filtered four times a day on 60-70ml.

Cold and cough well treats onions broth with raisin: 100gr the raisin scrolled via the meat grinder weary on fire in 200 ml of water, after that add a spoon of onions juice. Accept this broth on 100 ml daily before improvement of a state.

Oats decoction, honey, a cranberry and raisin helps at diseases of a liver, GIT, for elimination of fever. Broth requires 100gr cranberries, 100gr raisin, 250gr oats, 40gr honey and one and a half liters of water. All ingredients, except honey, mix, fill in with water and warm up, having brought to boiling. Broth is put after that on 3 h to the warm place, add honey. Take "medicine" warmed up slightly, 3 times a day.

Cholagogue dried fruits decoction helps those who have frequent heartburn, an eructation and nausea because of stagnant bile: 100gr raisin without stones fill in with boiled water, draw 24 h. Drink this infusion on an empty stomach, raisin needs to be eaten. Two hours after reception of broth it is necessary to keep a hot-water bottle under the right side and to observe a bed rest. Carry out the procedure once a week during 30dn. Thus outflow of bile is provided and channels of a liver are cleaned.

In the period of epidemics fortifying means from raisin, nuts, a lemon, dried apricots and honey helps. According to the recipe take on 100gr raisin, walnuts, dried apricots, one big lemon and 150gr honey. Firm components pass via the meat grinder, fill in with honey. Accept this vitaminized means on a teaspoon in the mornings. Such medicine will help also at arrhythmia, low hemoglobin. It is possible to give it also to children, but only after 3kh years.

The dried-up grapes help and at its external use: to cure deprive wipings of sick sites of skin the cut raisin help.

Before the use it is important to wash out raisin correctly. It is desirable to wash out it in the beginning, later to wet in slightly warmed up water for 30 min. and again to wash out. Thus it is possible to avoid hit in food of sulphurous anhydrite which often process the dried-up grapes.

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Caloric content of raisin does not allow them to abuse, besides, because of the content of sugar it is contraindicated at diabetes, obesity. As a last resort, at these diseases it is possible to weld a little raisin on fire.

It is also undesirable to use raisin at a GIT ulcer, a coloenteritis, a canker of an oral cavity, tuberculosis in an open form, heart acute failure, an allergy.

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