Main > Drugs> Aethacridinum


Aethacridinum is an antisepticФормула Этакридина agent which is effective for destruction of bacteria and viral infections on open wounds, furuncles and an anthrax.

Broad use has drug in gynecology and ophthalmology.

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredient – a lactate Aethacridinum of 0,01 g.

Auxiliary components: boric acid, alcohol, dyes.

Aethacridinum is issued in the form of spirit solution for external use in bottles on 50 ml and tablets in cardboard packaging on 20 pieces.

Pharmacological properties of Aethacridinum

Aethacridinum as an antiseptic agent is used in surgery, urology, traumatology, gynecology, dermatology. Drug at topical administration does not cause serious damages of integuments, does not render irritant action and effectively destroys bacteria and microbes.

Aethacridinum concerning microbes of group of cocci is most effective.

In a big dosage Aethacridinum can slightly inhibit enzymes of microorganisms and show selectivity.

Indications to use of Aethacridinum

Aethacridinum is appointed at contaminated wounds, pleurisy of purulent type, cystitis, furuncles and an anthrax, skin abscess, stomatitis, an ulitis, pharyngitis, purulent otitis, rhinitis.

Drug has positive reviews as an outside antiseptic agent which is used in gynecology and otolaryngology.

Application instruction

According to the instruction Aethacridinum is appointed to put outwardly in the form of 0,05 - 0,25% of solution, and also 2% of powder, ointment and 5% of paste. In certain cases drug is appointed inside on 0,05 g. The maximum daily dose of drug should not exceed 0,15 g.

Aethacridinum needs to be applied on the damaged area 2-3 times a day. Open contaminated wounds should be processed Aethacridinum solution with water.

At purulent wounds, furuncles, an anthrax and the inflamed cystitis Aethacridinum is applied as medicine to washing.

The inflamed mucous membranes of a nose, oral cavities and drinks it is necessary to rinse 0,1% drug solution 2 times a day.

At dermatological diseases solution of Aethacridinum should be applied on a cotton plug and to grease integuments. It is necessary to process affected areas 2 times a day within 30 days.

In gynecology solution Таблетки Этакридинof Aethacridinum is used for washing of generative organs and their antimicrobic processing.


Contraindications to use of Aethacridinum are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, deep damages on skin, burns, allergic reactions on skin, an albuminuria.

With care drug is appointed to children aged up to 14 years.

Side effects of Aethacridinum

Aethacridinum can cause allergic reactions (an itch, burning, urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, skin rash) and damages of integuments (burns).

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