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How to remove fat from a stomach

Эффективные способы убрать жир с животаFat or fatty tissue – a natural structural element of a human body, the connecting fabric which is formed of a mesenchyma (germinal connecting fabric) and consisting of adipocytes. The main functions of fatty tissue in a human body are:

  • Heat insulation;
  • Mechanical protection of an organism;
  • Endocrine function;
  • Energy balance.

The number of adipocytes is stuffed up in the period of a late embryogenesis. Active growth of quantity and the sizes of adipocytes is observed right after the birth. It is caused by need of existence of the sufficient power stocks allowing the newborn to survive in the new environment and to adapt to new living conditions. By 10 - 12 years growth of lipoblasts stops and forms their final quantity, individual for each organism. Then lipoblasts will increase only in a size.

Fatty tissue makes about 15 - 20% of body weight at men and reaches 25% of body weight at women. Distribution of fatty tissue in an organism is caused by genetics and various physiological factors. Zones of the greatest accumulation of hypodermic fatty tissue are hips, buttocks and a stomach. Uneven distribution of fatty tissue can spoil significantly a figure in particular and an image of the person in general. For correction of a figure and fight against uneven distribution of fatty tissue there are various radical and conservative methods.

How to remove fat from a stomach

The major factors provoking accumulation of fatty deposits in abdominal area are:

  • Stress (the stress provokes feeling of hunger; in a stressful state production of hormone of the cortisol stimulating deposits of fatty tissue in a stomach amplifies);
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Improper feeding (disturbance of a diet, balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • Slow metabolism;
  • Disturbance of a bearing;
  • Menopause (the frequent reason of accumulation of fat on a stomach at women owing to a hormonal imbalance in an organism);
  • Physiological features of an organism;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Slow-moving way of life.

To define how to remove fat from a stomach, it is necessary to understand the reasons of its education. If the reason of accumulation of fatty deposits in abdominal area consists in hormonal disturbances, then diets and complexes of physical exercises will be ineffective. To learn how to remove fat from a stomach, patients are recommended to undergo full therapeutic inspection. In certain cases accumulation of excesses of fatty tissue in a stomach can testify to serious diseases also.

Ways to remove fat from a stomach

There are radical and conservative ways to remove fat from a stomach. Treat conservative ways to remove fat from a stomach:

  • Diets;
  • Physical exercises;
  • Reception of fat-burning drugs;
  • Use of fat-burning means (creams, gels, etc.);
  • Change of a way of life and refusal of addictions.

Treat radical ways to remove fat from a stomach:

  • Liposuction (the actual fluidifying of fatty tissue with the subsequent its suction in the surgical way);
  • Abdominoplastika (excision of excesses of fatty tissue and skin in abdominal area);
  • Lipomodelirovaniye (redistribution of fatty tissue in the patient's organism in the surgical way).

It should be noted that radical ways to remove fat from a stomach have a certain number of restrictions and contraindications. These procedures represent full-fledged surgical intervention and are applied when conservative methods how to remove fat from a stomach, were inefficient.

To remove fat from a stomach: diet

Before undertaking any measures for weight loss and to choose methods how to remove fat from a stomach, it is necessary to be convinced that the organism is healthy. If there are no contraindications to change of a food allowance, then to remove fat from a stomach, the diet will become the first stage. For those who want to remove fat from a stomach the diet has to contain fresh vegetables, bean, dairy products, seafood, olive oil, meat of fish and bird. That who does not know how to remove fat from a stomach, do not recommend to use fried meat and fish, whole milk, honey and sugar, instant food, confectionery, preserved foods. Unfortunately, for those people who aim to remove completely fat from a stomach the diet is not the final decision. It is necessary to reconsider not only a food allowance, but also approach of the person to meal. So, fractional food, a complete elimination of alcohol is recommended. The program of weight loss has to include fasting days in which only kefir and fruit, still water, green tea are used. The diet does not recommend those who wants to remove fat from a stomach starvation at all.

To remove fat from a stomach: exercises

Кардиоупражнения - способ убрать жир с животаNot all physical exercises will help to remove fat from a stomach bottom. For those people who aim to remove fat from a stomach exercises have to include both cardioloadings, and power complexes. To remove fat from a stomach, exercises should not be wearisome. Professional coaches recommend uniform load of an organism at the expense of what combustion of fat in all body will be made, and the stomach will get the natural relief. Many mistakenly believe that to remove fat from a stomach, exercises on a press are the most effective. Exercises on a press will help "to load" only stomach muscles which will be studied under a layer of abdominal fat. To remove fat from a stomach bottom, the set of exercises in which cardioexercises will promote combustion of fat is necessary, and power trainings will help to tighten muscles of a stomach and to bring skin into a tone. Walks at intensive speed or a racetrack in the gym – excellent sources of cardioloading for an organism. Various types of twisting and squeezing which it is possible to carry out even houses will help to correct press muscles.

What everyone needs to know

That who looks for ways how to remove fat from a stomach, it is worth remembering that the rigid diet and wearisome exercise stresses are a stress for an organism. Critical loss of weight can provoke:

  • Problems with digestion;
  • Bystry increase in weight after end of a diet and the termination of exercise stresses;
  • Problems with kidneys;
  • Development of hypostases;
  • Destruction of teeth;
  • Deterioration in the general condition of an organism;
  • Development of a depression.

It is worth remembering that trying to remove only fat from a bottom of a stomach, the person subjects to a stress all organism. Sharp weight reduction threatens with disturbance of reproductive function. The women planning pregnancy should not be fond of diets and exercises to remove fat from a stomach bottom (fatty tissue in the bottom of a stomach creates anatomic protection of reproductive organs of the person). It is necessary to remember that formation of a beautiful relief of a stomach – process long and demanding efforts.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.