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Salad caloric content

Lettuce – one of the most useful and at the same time tasty products on our table. At the same time, it is everywhere widespread and available in our strip.Калорийность свежего салата и популярные блюда из него

How many calories in salad?

Caloric content of salad makes 12 kcal on 100 g of a product. Nutrition value of 100 g of a product looks so: 1,3 g of carbohydrates, 1,2 g of proteins and 0,3 g of fats. Taking into account salad caloric content, since the ancient world it is used as a garnish to various meat and fish dishes.

Lettuce leaves are vitamin-rich also microelements, namely:

  • Vitamins of group B, PP;
  • Carotene;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium.

Despite the small caloric content of salad, the pectin having ability to bring excesses of harmful substances out of an organism is its part of salad. Lettuce leaves are rich also with such most valuable substance as лактуцин which exerts beneficial influence on a condition of a nervous system stabilizes a dream, reduces deposits of salts.

Also salad contains iron salts therefore it is considered it expedient to include it in a food allowance of patients with iron deficiency anemias.

Salad has practically no contraindications to the use and is recommended in baby food and food of the people who had a serious illness. It is known that salad is recommended at diseases of a respiratory organs and urinogenital system, and also at tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus, a hypertension, diseases of digestion and obesity.

It is not recommended to use salad to the people having gout, chronic and acute colitis and coloenterites, and also an urolithiasis.Правильно рассчитываем калорийность салата

Fresh salad: caloric content and popular recipes

There is a set of kinds of salads which the lettuce enters as one of ingredients. At the same time the caloric content of salads depends on the chosen proportions.

For example, in the countries of the Mediterranean the following recipe is very popular: to bank of a tinned tuna to connect to the cut quail eggs previously hard-boiled. To add the cherry tomatoes cut in half, the crushed potatoes in uniforms, black olives and a fresh basil. To mix with a big bunch of the washed-up lettuce leaves and to fill with olive oil and black pepper.

Salad with a pear and blue cheese is not less magnificent: to cut any cheese with a mold in cubes, to add the pear which is also cut in cubes. To sprinkle lemon juice, to add lettuce leaves and pine nuts. To fill with a small amount of the olive oil mixed with a spoon of Dijon mustard.

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