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Enema for weight loss

Any woman is sure that there is no limit to perfection. In a pursuit of beautiful forms of the woman use the most various methods of weight loss, including even not the not most useful to health (diuretic and purgatives, starvation and even use of tablets of doubtful production with addition of psychotropic substances). And it without being confident in result for hundred percent at all. And along with it for anybody is not a secret that weight loss process entirely depends on our will power and desire, sports activities and soblyudeniye of rules of healthy food.Клизмы для похудения - способ борьбы с лишним весом

Enemas for weight loss as an effective way of fight against excess weight

Today the increasing popularity is gained by cleansing enemas for weight loss. According to an enema for weight loss with ease allow to get rid of two kilograms of excess weight for one procedure. Therefore, it is possible to tell with confidence that this method of weight loss is quite effective.

Enemas for weight loss save an organism from the fecal masses, toxins, gases and toxic agents which collected in a large intestine for years and prevented full work of intestines. The harmful substances accumulated in an organism disturb not only comprehensibility of necessary vitamins and microelements, but also full work of many bodies that leads over time to development of various diseases. In this situation cleansing enemas for weight loss play a catalyst role. They eliminate toxins and slags, clear an organism of pollution therefore work of cells accelerates, and the organism begins to soak up necessary microelements better. In addition, work of intestines improves and the metabolism accelerates that promotes gradual removal of fatty deposits, and, therefore, and to weight loss.

Enema for weight loss – the reverse of the medal

In a pursuit of an ideal figure most of women do not pay attention to that fact that the cleansing enema for weight loss is exclusively medical procedure which has to be held on doctor's orders and under its strict control. Often women, not especially penetrating into an essence of the procedure, use it for disposal from it is excessive the absorbed excess calories. However it is absolutely useless as from the moment of meal and before formation of fecal masses there pass, at least, two hours. Naturally, all excess calories are acquired by an organism.

It is necessary to know that if surplus of fatty deposits is not in intestines, and in cells, then cleansing enemas for weight loss will not bring a positive take also.

You should not abuse holding this procedure as it can lead to disbolism that not only will not promote disposal of excess weight, but, on the contrary, will result in opposite result – obesity. The enema together with all harmful substances washes away from intestines as well useful microflora that is fraught with development of dysbacteriosis. Full digestion of food and production of the vitamins necessary for an organism (vitamins of group B, D, K) are impossible without bacteria which are in intestines. If process is broken, the correct metabolism ceases to be carried out. Besides, together with liquid so useful salts of magnesium and potassium which promote reduction of a cardiac muscle are removed from intestines. Thus, frequent cleansing enemas for weight loss cause permanent accustoming of an organism and failure in the alimentary system. In other words, intestines begin to be lazy to work independently. The peristaltics is broken that as a result leads to the fact that the person cannot conduct defecation process independently.

How to do an enema for weight loss?

During enemas it is recommended to adhere to a low-calorie diet. At a diet there have to be only fast products – fruit and vegetables, fish, grain.

How to do an enema for weight loss? For this purpose use an Esmarch's irrigator and boiled water of room temperature (20-23 degrees). The amount of water, poured in an Esmarch's irrigator, depends on human height. On average, on one enema it is required from one and a half to two liters of water.

If you have gastritis with a hyperoxemia, then use warmer water better – 35-45 degrees. Solution for an enema is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of table salt is dissolved in 2 liters of boiled water and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. At gastritis lemon juice and apple cider vinegar replace with baking soda.Рецепты очистительных клизм для похудения

The most suitable room for holding a procedure – a bathroom. It is necessary to lay down on the left side and to tighten knees to a stomach. It is also possible to stand in a genucubital position. These provisions promote the best penetration into liquid intestines.

Cleansing for weight loss give enemas twice a day for two weeks. One – in the morning on an empty stomach, the second – just before a dream. After the end of carrying out cleansing enemas it is necessary to adhere still some time to a low-calorie diet, and also to spend on drink medicines which recover intestinal microflora.

Contraindications to holding a procedure

According to reviews the enema for weight loss is not recommended to be done to women during periods. Before holding a procedure it will be best of all to conduct full examination of intestines on existence of an ulcer, tumors and other contraindications.

Absolute contraindications to carrying out enemas are:

  • hemorrhoids and cracks of a rectum as bleeding can begin;
  • the pregnancy period as carrying out an enema for weight loss raises a uterus tone that can provoke an abortion;
  • chronic heart diseases and hypertension as pressure can increase;
  • diseases of intestines and stomach, inflammatory diseases of a large intestine – as there can be an aggravation.

Recipes of cleansing enemas for weight loss

According to an enema for weight loss are most effective according to these recipes:

  • Enemas on camomile broth (2 tablespoons on 200 ml of water). Instead of a camomile also the calendula, fennel, a sage will approach.
  • The honey enema – 1 tablespoon of honey is diluted in 1 glass of boiled water of room temperature and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is added.

Now you know more about how to do an enema for weight loss, and also about its positive and negative sides. However it is necessary to remember that the most important in the aspiration to lose weight is active lifestyle and healthy nutrition. And all other methods have to be temporary only, but not be perceived as a panacea.

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