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Sausage is one of types of food stuffs. It represents mincemeat (from one or several grades of meat) placed in Вареная колбасаan oblong cover.

Depending on manufacturing techniques and the used raw materials all sausages share on blood, liverno-pashtetny, smoked (raw smoked), half-smoked and boiled. Usually for production of sausages low-fat meat, fat, spices and salt is used. In recent years many producers instead of fat rich with saturated fatty acids add vegetable fats to sausage forcemeat. Thanks to it useful properties of sausage increase.

For increase in contents in protein forcemeat add to it some egg, milk proteins, whole milk or a blood plasma of animals. For the purpose of improvement of taste of sausages use garlic, onions, caraway seeds, a coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, pepper (fragrant, black, red), and sometimes in addition and Madeira or cognac.

Sausage caloric content

Different types of sausage contain various amount of nutrients and have various caloric content:

  • Boiled sausages contain 20 – 30% of fat and 10 – 15% of protein. Their energy value from 200 to 300 kcal on 100 g of a product;
  • Cooked smoked sausage – the caloric content of 100,0 g of this product from 350 to 410 kcal. Cooked smoked sausage contains about 17% of protein and about 40% of fat;
  • Raw smoked sausages – are considered as one of the most tasty and nutritious. They contain from 15 to 30% of protein and to 57% of fat. Caloric content of sausage makes from 350 to 580 kcal on each 100,0 g of a product.

Advantage of sausage: truth or myth?

It would be possible to speak about advantage of sausage in food of people only if these products are produced from high-quality meat and natural spices. But the huge number of various amplifiers of taste, a smell, color is added to modern sausage. Many of them constitute huge health hazard. As a result of it overconsumption of sausage in food can provoke development of various diseases (gout, a diabetes mellitus, an idiopathic hypertensia, coronary heart disease) to lead to disturbances of functions baking and kidneys, and some of preservatives even have ability to cause education in a human body of cancer cells.

In addition sausage contains many fats. It too not the most useful property of sausage since excessive consumption of fats leads to obesity, development of an idiopathic hypertensia, adjournment on walls of blood vessels of cholesteric plaques, i.e. to development of atherosclerosis.

Копченая колбаса

How it is correct to choose sausage?

The sausage made of indyushachy meat is considered the most useful sausage. This results from the fact that it contains the minimum quantity of fats and spices.

Choosing sausage, pay special attention to its color. Than it turning pink, that it was more added by the producer to sodium nitrite solution forcemeat. In small amounts this substance does not do essential harm to a human body, but to tell, the same about high doses of nitrates is impossible!

Sausages are perishable good. Therefore buying them, it is always necessary to be interested in a product period of validity. If on the label date of production and a period of validity is not specified, then it is necessary to refuse purchase of this sausage.

It is necessary to take an interest also in the caloric content of the bought sausage, and also content of fat in it. It is desirable to choose low-calorie grades.

Useful properties of sausage are available only for products made in full accordance with state standard specification. However these products cost very much, sometimes is even more expensive than some premium meat. And at other sausages the advantage and harm are incomparable among themselves! Therefore from their consumption, and especially in large numbers, it is better to refuse and replace sausage with natural meat.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.