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Cinnamon for weight loss

Как быстро похудеть с корицейCinnamon – fragrant spice which impacts pleasant aroma and relish to pastries, desserts, dishes, drinks. Cinnamon is known to consumers in the form of ground spice or dried tubules with brown coloring and saturated aroma. Tubules of spice remain longer than powder, however, at ground cinnamon more saturated aroma. Grow up cinnamon in South America, in India, in Burma, Sri Lanka. In ancient times residents of Egypt used this spice when embalming and for sacrifices. And in Austria cinnamon was added to bouquets. Addition of spice in bouquets was a sign of devotion and love. Cinnamon to weight loss began to be applied rather recently. Scientists made a number of experiments and researches and confirmed ability of spice to normalize concentration of sugar in blood and to reduce appetite. To lose weight with cinnamon, nutritionists recommend to add it to porridges, cottage cheese, milk, tea, coffee. And pastries with cinnamon do not save from extra kilos.

Useful properties and caloric content of cinnamon

Than cinnamon is useful to weight loss? Caloric content of cinnamon is low. Dietary fibers are a part of this spice. Fibers softly stimulate work of intestines and prevent locks. This spice accelerates a glycolysis, promotes appetite easing, well influences a nervous system.

Caloric content of cinnamon makes about 260 kcal on hundred grams of a product. The set of useful components is a part of spice. It and monosaccharides, disaccharides, essential oils, vitamins both macro - and microelements.

At the low caloric content cinnamon has anticoagulative, febrifugal, antibacterial and diuretic properties. In the Chinese medicine essential oil of spice is successfully used at treatment of flu and cold.

Cinnamon for weight loss regulates concentration of sugar in a blood plasma, and also removes cholesterol, harmful to an organism.

Thanks to the useful properties, spice positively influences an organism at diarrhea, locks, a depression, excess of bile, diseases of digestive and nervous systems. Essential oil of cinnamon plays a role of natural preservative and perfectly copes with destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

In some reviews of cinnamon for weight loss it is told that spice reduces appetite, dulling feeling of hunger. The smell of cinnamon increases activity of a brain, mood, improves visual memory.

The positive impact is made by this spice and for work of kidneys. And normalization of weight is impossible without the correct work of kidneys.

When using cinnamon for weight loss extra kilos will leave not only without harm, but also with huge advantage for an organism. Spicy medicine will delicately and softly clear an organism of the collected toxins and slags.

How to lose weight with cinnamon

That the advantage of cinnamon for weight loss was maximum, it is necessary to consider two important factors. This quality and freshness of the spice. Spice in the form of powder it is possible to store no more than half a year. Cinnamon in the form of sticks is stored no more than a year in glasswares in the dark place.

To lose weight with cinnamon, it should be added to various dishes regularly. In reviews of cinnamon for weight loss it is specified that at one time food it is necessary to use not less than a half of a teaspoon of spice. At the regular use of spice metabolism is normalized, process of digestion and absorbability of food improves, function of kidneys improves. All know that the weight lost at normalization of all systems and bodies of an organism yields very long results.

To lose weight with cinnamon, it is desirable to add it to all drinks and sweet dishes instead of sugar. It is also very useful to drink daily honey drink with cinnamon. These products – the natural antiseptic agents which are harmful influencing parasites and bacteria who inhabit intestines and slow down digestion of food. In reviews of cinnamon for weight loss it is told that honey drink with this spice at first removes adiposities in a stomach, and then and from all body.

Effectively also to smear bread with mix of cinnamon and honey. The useful and fine breakfast will turn out.

At regular wrappings with spice body capacities decrease by one centimeter for only one session. During such procedure slags and excessive liquid are removed from an organism, outflow of a lymph improves, fermental process is stimulated, microblood circulation improves. For preparation of mix for a wrapping it is necessary to take about twenty grams of clay, to stir it in a small amount of warm water. Then to add a stick of cinnamon and two-three drops of essential oil of orange or grapefruit to the received mix.

Before a wrapping it is necessary to clear skin by means of a peeling or a srub. To apply mix for a wrapping on problem sites and to wrap food wrap. Then it is desirable to lay down and be wrapped up with a blanket. In an hour mix should be washed away, and after that to put on skin anti-cellulite cream.

Recipes of drinks with cinnamon for weight loss

For preparation of drink with cinnamon for weight loss it is necessary to take a glass of low-fat kefir and a pinch of cinnamon. To properly mix all ingredients and to drink. For reduction of amount of the consumed food kefir with cinnamon should be drunk just before meal. This spicy drink perfectly sates an organism, and also reduces thirst for sweet. Kefir with cinnamon perfectly will be suitable also for fasting day. Per day one and a half liters of kefir and a teaspoon of cinnamon will be necessary.

It is possible to make coffee with cinnamon for weight loss. Just it is necessary to add a spice pinch to the made favourite coffee. You should not add sugar or substitutes of sugar.

In drugstores special coffee with cinnamon for weight loss is on sale. It is enough to fill in with boiled water a spoon of powder and it is good to stir.

For preparation of tea with cinnamon for weight loss it is necessary to add about five grams of cinnamon to a teapot. Such drink with cinnamon for weight loss can be drunk at any time. It not only satisfies thirst, but also lightens the mood.

Cocktails with cinnamon for weight loss can replace having a snack. Корица для похудения - отзывы и эффективностьFor preparation of pear cocktail pulp of a pear should be mixed with a glass of milk, a teaspoon of lemon juice. Then to add about twenty grams of condensed milk and a half of a spoon of cinnamon to mix. Such cocktail can be made from any fruit, combining with sour cream, porridge, cocoa, milk and other ingredients.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon for weight loss

Despite advantage, the use of cinnamon for weight loss has also contraindications. It is impossible to use this seasoning during pregnancy as it can cause reduction of a uterus.

Also it is impossible to use cinnamon for weight loss during breastfeeding, and also with the increased arterial pressure, at internal bleedings of various origin.

It is not recommended to use cinnamon for weight loss at individual intolerance and a hyperexcitability.

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