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Meat of chicken enjoys deserved popularity thanks to the taste, useful properties and low caloric content.

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Chicken meat is a chicken meat, a carcass of chicken and all her components. It is impossible to tell with an accuracy when began to tame hens. According to one sources, the first domestic hens appeared an order of 2000 B.C. in India. Other sources tell that home-made chickens already existed 6000-8000 B.C. in the Countries of Southeast Asia, and, especially, in China. And now wild hens occupy the territory of China, Indochina, Indonesia, Philippines and India. It is considered that bankivsky hens became ancestors of domestic hens, it is from Asia.

Today chicken – the most widespread poultry. It is grown up practically worldwide. The largest producer of chicken meat it is considered to be Brazil and the USA.

To receive chicken meat, the bird needs to be grown up in house or factory conditions. Those birds who reached maturity are subject to a face, a scalding and browsing. The carcass of chicken which is completely cleared of feathers is ready to culinary processing and the subsequent use.

The average weight of a carcass of chicken makes from 1,5 to 5 kg (depending on breed). For example, carcasses of dwarfish breeds can weigh and 0,5 kg. The fresh carcass has slightly yellowish or white skin, eumorphic muscles, meat of light pink color and a roundish breast. Young chicken has gentle white skin, and her legs are covered the small size with scales. Old chicken has yellow skin, and standing there are large outgrowths and large scales.

In cookery chicken meat is used for preparation of hot and cold appetizers, the first and second courses. Preferential use meat of meat breeds of hens (exist also all-user, meat - egg and egg breeds).

For preparation of broths and soups it is better to use a carcass of old chicken, then broth will turn out fragrant and rich. And meat of a young bird as it gentle and soft, is well fried thoroughly will be suitable for frying of cutlets and meatballs better.

The loin of a carcass, shin and hip is used for preparation of meatballs, cutlets, chops, salads, ragout, pies, aspic, pilaf, a jelly, a souffle and various semi-finished products. Giblets (a liver, heart, stomachs) and a chicken back are used for preparation of rassolniks, solyankas, borsches, soups and broths. Chicken skin is applied to roasting of forcemeat (macaroni, potato, mushroom, chicken), and fat which is cut off from an abdomen is used for frying and added to pastes. A popular dish is also whole carcass of chicken baked together with spices and also chicken of hot or cold smoking.

Structure and caloric content of chicken

In 100 g of meat of crude chicken 74,86 g of water, 23,2 g of proteins, 0,98 g of ashes, 1,65 g of fats contain; vitamins: Retinolum, thiamin, Riboflavinum, Niacinum, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamine, tocopherol, sincaline, phylloquinone; macrocells: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium; microelements: selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese.

Caloric content of chicken makes 108 kcal on 100 g.

Useful properties of chicken

Thanks to low caloric content chicken has excellent dietary properties therefore perfectly will be suitable for the people aiming at decrease in body weight and also for patients with a peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus, gout. Thanks to the high content of B6 vitamin, glutamine and protein chicken meat is useful to heart, strengthens an organism and stimulates the central nervous system.

Useful properties of chicken consist also in prevention of atherosclerosis of vessels and an obstacle of developing of strokes, heart attacks and an idiopathic hypertensia. From catarrhal diseases fine remedy is chicken broth.

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Contraindications to the use of meat of chicken

Because of the maintenance of a histamine chicken meat is allergen therefore sensitive people should consume it with care.

It is necessary to consider that the chicken meat which underwent low-quality heat treatment can become the place for reproduction of salmonellas, and to cause a serious disease of digestive tract in the person – a salmonellosis.

Besides, you should not abuse smoked chicken meat as it promotes growth of malignant tumors. It is caused by the fact that in the course of smoking of amino acid are exposed to modification and in meat of chicken radioactive isotopes collect. In addition, in modern conditions often it happens that when smoking meat the substances harmful to a human body use: acetone, formaldehyde, phenol.

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