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The barking cough

Existence of pathological process of upper respiratory tracts – throats or tracheas is the reason of the barking cough.Лающий кашель у детей - симптом коклюша

The barking cough as a whooping cough symptom

The severe barking cough most often can be observed at children of younger age (up to five years). In most cases it is a symptom of an infectious disease – whooping cough.

The causative agent of whooping cough is the microbe of Bordetella pertussis which is transferred in the airborne way. In an organism of the infected person emergence of toxins which irritate the tussive center is result of its life activity and break integrity of a mucous respiratory organs.

During the first seven days after infection the patient has such symptoms as cold, reddening of mucous upper respiratory tracts, temperature increase. At the beginning of the second week of a disease there is an unproductive barking cough as reflex defense reaction of an organism.

Especially hard whooping cough proceeds at children of the first year of life and at people of the senior age group (after 65 years). It can be followed by bleedings, spasms, to be complicated by pneumonia and even to lead to a lethal outcome.

Treatment of the barking cough at whooping cough is carried out by means of antibacterial drugs. They are appointed in a complex with antihistamines which promote reduction of hypostasis of mucous respiratory tracts.

The room in which there is a patient with whooping cough has to be aired regularly, and air to be moistened. The good effect is noted at regular performing inhalations which are better for doing by means of the nebulizer – the special inhaler providing disperse (midget) spraying of liquid.

It is possible to be protected from whooping cough by means of an inoculation which in civilized countries including in ours, is among obligatory.

Parawhooping cough and the barking cough

The long pristupoobrazny barking cough which is not followed by temperature increase can be a parawhooping cough symptom. Parawhooping cough is also an acute infectious disease of a bacterial origin which children from three to six years often are ill. The clinical picture, an etiology and a pathogeny of parawhooping cough have similarity to whooping cough, at the same time the disease proceeds in easier form. Both diseases similarly are treated, however at parawhooping cough walks in the fresh air within 1,5-2 hours are shown. They highly affect a condition of the sick child.

The barking cough as a bronchiolitis symptom

The bronchiolitis represents the viral disease which is followed by the complicated breath, especially an exhalation. He meets more often at children of chest age and can have character of epidemic.

Quite often the bronchiolitis develops as consecutive infection after a SARS. Breath of the child is at a loss, and his frequency increases. This process is followed by tachycardia, and also the abrupt and loud barking cough. Decrease in gas exchange against the background of the increased temperature, drowsiness and dehydration in hard cases and in the presence of the accompanying cardiac pathologies demand hospitalization.Лающий кашель - один из симптомов бронхиолита

In the conditions of a hospital if necessary provide to patients forced ventilation of the lungs and supply of oxygen. For elimination of dehydration appoint infusional therapy. For treatment of the barking cough broncholitic and antiviral medicines are appointed.

The severe barking cough at other diseases

At diphtheria at the child the most serious condition – a croup – followed by the barking cough can develop. The false croup can be observed at various SARS and flu; it is also followed by emergence of the barking cough. Vaccination against diphtheria is included into an obligatory calendar of inoculations, and complex treatment of the barking cough at grain includes use of spasmolytic and hormonal drugs and is appointed individually attending physician.

Various laryngitis and tracheitises can become the reason of the barking cough, painful and peeling a throat. Vaccination against a pneumococcal infection and flu will help to avoid them.

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