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Lorindenm With

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 351 rub.

Мазь Лоринден СLorindenm With – outside drug with antimicrobic, antipruritic, antiallergic and antiinflammatory action.

Form of release and structure

Lorindenm With is released in the form of ointment: fat, white with a gray or light yellow shade (in aluminum tubas on 15 g, on 1 tuba in a cardboard pack).

Active agents are a part of 100 mg of ointment:

  • Pivalat of Flumethasonum – 0,02 mg;
  • Kliokhinol – 3 mg.

Auxiliary components: white beeswax – 1 mg, vaseline – to 100 mg.

Indications to use

Lorindenm With is appointed at treatment of the following allergodermatoz complicated by a bacterial infection which are caused by microorganisms, sensitive to effect of drug:

  • Dermatitis, including seborrheal, professional, solar, contact, allergic;
  • Atopic dermatitis (widespread neurodermatitis);
  • Psoriasis (in particular old cases, including psoriasis of a pilar part of the head);
  • Small tortoiseshell;
  • Eczema;
  • Erythrosis;
  • Mnogoformny erythema;
  • Prurigo;
  • Including red flat deprive a dermatosis which will not respond to treatment glucocorticosteroids, a diskoidny lupus erythematosus;
  • Consecutive infections at stings of insects.

Also Lorindenm With is applied at treatment of the bacterial and fungal skin infections complicated by development of local allergic reactions including the infected intertrigo, impetigo, a dermatomycosis, a zymonematosis, an actinomycosis, a sporotrichosis.


  • Viral diseases of skin, including chicken pox, herpes;
  • Skin infections (for use with an occlusive bandage);
  • Skin displays of syphilis;
  • Tuberculosis cutis;
  • Perioral dermatitis;
  • Precancerous conditions and new growths of skin (atheroma, nevus, carcinoma cutaneum, melanoma, epithelioma, xanthoma, hemangioma, sarcoma);
  • Eels (pink and vulgar);
  • The trophic ulcers of shins connected with a varicosity;
  • State after vaccination;
  • Age up to 10 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Use of Lorindenm With in the I trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. On later terms it is possible to use drug only after ratio assessment advantage/risk for health of mother and a fruit.

At purpose of drug the reproaching women should be careful. Treatment needs to be carried out quickly only in exceptional cases, applying ointment on limited skin sites (excepting areas of mammary glands).

Route of administration and dosage

Lorindenm With is applied outwardly, applying with a thin layer on affected areas of skin.

In an initiation of treatment drug is used to 3 times a day, after improvement of a state frequency rate of drawing is reduced to 1-2 times a day. The maximum dose – 2 g a day.

It is not necessary to apply Lorindenm From longer 14 days.

In need of use of ointment with a bandage it is necessary to use the bandages passing air. At a hyperkeratosis and an excessive likhenization ointment is applied only under occlusive bandages of 1 times at 24-48 o'clock. In these cases duration of therapy should not exceed 7 days.

At children of 10 years Lorindenm With can be applied only on limited sites of skin in exceptional cases, avoiding putting drug on face skin.

Side effects

  • System reactions: at long therapy and/or use on extensive sites of skin – the disturbances characteristic of use of glucocorticosteroids;
  • Local reactions: seldom – a folliculitis, a xeroderma, a skin itch, burning, striya, steroid eels; at long therapy – a purpura, a local hirsutism, a skin atrophy, a teleangiectasia, pigmentation disturbances.

Special instructions

It is not recommended to apply Lorindenm With on face skin, it is also necessary to avoid hit of ointment in eyes.

It is not necessary to use drug longer than the recommended term as prolonged use of Lorindenm With on extensive sites of skin increases risk of emergence of system side effects of glucocorticosteroids.

At long therapy development of resistance of microflora to effect of active agent of drug (kliokhinol) is possible.

In cases of development of consecutive infections on site uses of drug it is necessary to use means with more expressed antifungal or antibacterial action.

At atrophic changes of skin, especially at elderly patients, Lorindenm With needs to be applied with care.

At fungal diseases with secondary allergic reactions ointment should be applied under medical control in exceptional cases.

Medicinal interaction

Because of immunodepressive effect of Lorindenm With it is not necessary to carry out immunization and vaccination during therapy.

Simultaneous use with other outside drugs is not recommended.

At absorption of Lorindenm With in a system blood stream efficiency of anticoagulants, anti-hypertensive drugs, insulin, peroral hypoglycemic means decreases, and also concentration of a prazikvantel and salicylates in blood serum decreases.

At simultaneous use the risk of development of side effects of estrogen, androgens, holinoblokator, oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids, antipsychotic means, a bukarbana, tricyclic antidepressants, Azathioprinum, antihistaminic drugs, diuretics, nitrates, cardiac glycosides increases.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.

Period of validity – 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

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351 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Lorindenm About ointment 15 of, Jelfa

426 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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