Main > Diseases> Prostatitis


Prostatitis call a prostate inflammation. Простатит - воспаление предстательной железы у мужчинNow urologists incline to opinion that prostatitis is not a uniform disease, and combines several diseases of the men's sexual sphere. It is one of the most frequent pathologies of a men's urogenital path, and by estimates of specialists, the percent of the men having prostatitis in this or that form constantly grows. With age the risk to ache with prostatitis increases.

Prostatitis reasons

Two factors, equivalent on the importance are a proximate cause of prostatitis. The first is an emergence of developments of stagnation in a small basin, and as a result, in a prostate, and the second – accession of an infection. However in some cases it is not possible to find the infectious activator in prostate tissues, presumably in similar cases autoimmune processes become the reason of prostatitis that means that the prostate is exposed to the attack from cells of own immune system, the failure which resulted in it.

The contributing factors of emergence of an inflammation in a prostate are: easing of immunity as a result of the postponed infection, overcoolings, stresses; hormonal disturbances, incomplete ejaculation, hypodynamia, food preferences (addiction to fried, greasy, smoked, spicy food), frequent delay of an urination. One of common causes of prostatitis consider irregular sex life.

Types of prostatitis

Now the international classification of prostatitis which is the fullest and covering all types of an inflammation is accepted:

  • Category I. Acute prostatitis;
  • Category II. Chronic prostatitis bacterial;
  • Category III. Not bacterial chronic prostatitis / syndrome of chronic pelvic pain – a disease at which the infection does not come to light, proceeding more than 3 months;
    - A subcategory the III A. Sindr of chronic inflammatory pelvic pain (in a secret of a prostate leukocytes are defined);
    - A subcategory the III B. Sindr of chronic noninflammatory pelvic pain (in a secret of a prostate there are no leukocytes);
  • Category IV. Asymptomatically the proceeding chronic prostatitis (at a secret of a prostate there are leukocytes, the patient does not show complaints, the disease comes to light accidentally).

Prostatitis symptoms

There is a so-called "prostatitny triad", three most often found prostatitis symptoms. Treat them:

1. pain in a small pelvis and generative organs;

2. disturbances of an urination to which the sluggish stream, a discontinuous stream, incomplete bladder emptying, the speeded-up urination, etc. belong;

3. frustration in the field of the sexual sphere.

It should be noted that not all three symptoms of prostatitis are obligatory, besides, acute and chronic prostatitises proceed differently. Признаки простатита

Symptoms of prostatitis of an acute form: severe, sharp pain in a prostate gland which is given to a rectum, a crotch, testicles, a waist; deterioration in the general state, fever, head and muscular pain, general weakness; disturbance of an urination up to an acute ischuria as a result of hypostasis of a prostate and a prelum of an urethra.

Symptoms of prostatitis chronic: pain in a prostate gland, but less intensive, than at acute prostatitis; disturbances of an urination, sexual frustration: an incomplete erection, a short-term erection, the accelerated ejaculation, etc. Chronic prostatitis can have a wavy current when the periods of an aggravation are replaced by the zatikhaniye periods, or can have constantly slight symptomatology.

Unlike other inflammatory diseases when chronic process is a consequence of not cured acute inflammation, chronic prostatitis often happens primary and chronic when the patient finds it difficult to define the beginning of a disease.

Diagnosis of prostatitis

For diagnosis of prostatitis conduct the next researches:

  • analysis of a secret of a prostate;
  • manual rectal inspection;
  • transrectal ultrasonography of a prostate;
  • Ultrasonography of kidneys and bladder;
  • blood test on the DOG (prostatic antigen);
  • general blood test;
  • general analysis of urine;
  • the analysis of urine on urogenital infections before massage of a prostate;
  • urofloumetriya (urination research).

The basic in diagnosis is identification of the reason of prostatitis as medical measures depend on it. One more problem of diagnosis is an exception of a prostate cancer.

Treatment of prostatitis

Acute and chronic prostatitis of a bacterial origin treat by means of antibacterial drugs. Powerful doses of antibiotics are appointed, at acute prostatitis even before obtaining results of a bakposev as acute process demands acceptance of immediate measures. In a complex the antiinflammatory nonsteroid drugs having also analgesic effect are appointed.

Chronic prostatitis is treated depending on the reason which caused it. At not bacterial prostatitises accept fortifying, immunomodulatory drugs. Treatment of prostatitis is carried out with obligatory participation of physiotherapeutic procedures: laser therapies, magnetotherapies, electrophoresis of medicinal substances, ultrasound, etc.

Urologists claim that treatment of prostatitis one medical means will lead only to temporary relief as without change of a usual way of life treatment of prostatitis is inefficient. It is necessary to refuse addictions, to lead active lifestyle, having eliminated a hypodynamia, to avoid developments of stagnation in a small basin by means of special gymnastics, to try to spend less time in the car, moving on foot more, and also it is enough to have a rest.

It is also important to adjust the sexual life, having made it regular and to eat fully. Chronic prostatitis is inclined to a recurrence therefore changes in a way of life have to have constant character, only in this case treatment of prostatitis will lead to full treatment.

Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies

Тибетский лечебный пластырь незаменим при лечении простатита

For treatment of prostatitis national methods, especially are widely and successfully applied to treatment of chronic prostatitis. They act more softly, than medicamentous drugs, but nevertheless are rather effective and give less side effects thanks to what treatment of prostatitis folk remedies can be carried out for a long time, before elimination of symptoms of a disease.

From folk remedies for treatment of prostatitis teas from the officinal herbs having antiinflammatory and antibacterial action are widely used: tea from a camomile pharmaceutical, leaves of a sage, flowers of a calendula, etc. Officinal herbs are applied also in the form of tinctures and balms. As fortifying means use honey and products of beekeeping. Beeswax perfectly approaches wrappings at treatment of chronic prostatitis, replacing with itself paraffin. As soft immunoexcitant apply purple cone-flower tincture, with the same purpose successfully use some grades of honey.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.