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Sabelnik is marsh

Sabelnik marsh – a medicinal perennial plant. Сабельник болотный

Height of a sabelnik reaches 1 meter. Rhizomes its long, sometimes in length reach 3 meters. The sabelnik in August blossoms. Leaves of its extended form, with cloves on the ends. The sabelnik grows in moorlands, on coast of lakes and the rivers, in lowlands, on wet meadows, and also in the tundra and in creeks of the rivers. Near a sabelnik it is often possible to see a sedge.
This plant is often called the Russian ginseng as use of a sabelnik of the person, marsh for treatment, practices long since. Treatment by a sabelnik marsh is mentioned in ancient manuscripts of the 17th century.

From reviews of a sabelnik marsh also many other names of this plant are known:

  • Dekop;
  • Cinquefoil;
  • The cinquefoil is marsh.

Structure and useful properties of a sabelnik marsh

For use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment all parts of a plant are used. So, its root, leaves and a stalk have useful properties. But it is most of all appreciated, according to reviews about a sabelnik marsh and treatment by drugs on its basis, a plant rhizome. So, this part contains the mass of the useful substances causing use of a sabelnik of a set of diseases, marsh for treatment.

The root of a sabelnik contains tannins, a set of useful microelements and it is a lot of vitamin C.

Use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment, according to druggists, happens not fully. It is connected with the fact that all available properties of a plant are insufficiently studied.

Nevertheless, real reviews of a sabelnik marsh characterize this plant as the antineoplastic means which is actively applied to prevention of cancer and its treatment.

Use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment in medicine is caused by existence of the wide list of its medicinal properties:

  • Knitting;
  • Styptic;
  • Anesthetic (analgeziruyushchy);
  • Sudorific;
  • Antiinflammatory;
  • Wound healing.

Use of a sabelnik marsh

Collecting and preparation of medicinal raw materials (leaves, stalk and roots) are made in the summer or in the fall. According to responses to a sabelnik marsh, it is better to collect a plant in the fall, during this period the rhizome is especially rich with the content of useful substances.

The most effective use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment when the root of a plant is presented in the form of hollow "tubules" of brown color is considered. Store a sabelnik marsh for his use in the future in integral roots, without crushing it. In such look, judging by reviews of a sabelnik marsh, in it all curative properties remain better.
Marsh for treatment there is a lot of routes of administration of a sabelnik. So, a sabelnik marsh according to the people using him call ambulance at such problems as:

  • Bruises;
  • Dislocations;
  • Stretchings.

Use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment of difficult diseases at which the medicine is almost powerless is very effective:

  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Polyarthritis;
  • Hepatitis.

Reviews of a sabelnik marsh contain the mass of examples of removal of painful symptoms and even treatment of such serious illness as arthritis.

Broth from a rhizome of a plant helps to cope with various problems with digestive tract:

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • Dysentery;
  • Digestive disturbance.

Sudorific property causes use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment of colds. So, broth from roots helps to cope with a SARS, quinsy, bronchitis and flu. From reviews of a sabelnik marsh it is known that for removal of an inflammation rinsing of a throat broth of roots of a plant well helps with an oral cavity.

The course of any disease is considerably facilitated also because use of a sabelnik marsh provides combined effect on such bodies and systems as:

  • Liver;
  • Kidneys;
  • Heart;
  • Joints.

After the postponed disease (infection) use of a sabelnik marsh as fortifying means and for an organism detoxication is reasonable (removal of decomposition products after an infection).

Reviews of a sabelnik marsh characterize this means as an excellent way to cope with a dentagra. For this purpose apply rinsing of an oral cavity the broth of a rhizome or solution prepared from tincture. At periodontosis and a dentagra use of a sabelnik marsh according to patients, in combination with birch kidneys is very effective.

Use of a sabelnik of disbolism, marsh for treatment, and normalization of weight gives fine effect. So, for these purposes use broth from roots and stalks of a plant.

On medical comments about a sabelnik marsh, received from specialists, it is known that use of a sabelnik of any disease, marsh for treatment, in a complex is considered very effective. Such complex assumes use not only broth, but also tincture from a plant rhizome. This results from the fact that thanks to alcohol valuable properties are better distinguished in tincture. Besides, treatment by a sabelnik marsh is often supplemented with use of other officinal herbs.

Independently tincture of a rhizome of a sabelnik marsh according to responses, is recommended to do in a glass one-liter jar. Such volume of medicine is expected a three-week course of treatment by a sabelnik marsh. The crushed roots put in bank on 1/3 and if the root is cut on pieces of 1 cm, then fill ½ capacities. In bank pour vodka or alcohol. From reviews of a sabelnik marsh it is known that it is necessary to infuse tincture 3 weeks in the dark place. It will be daily very good to stir up to bank.

Tincture of a sabelnik marsh for treatment is on sale in finished form in some drugstores.

It is more convenient to accept tincture, it does not need to be prepared specially. Besides, according to medical appointment, it is enough to observe a dosage of this drug only strictly. The traditional medicine even more often tries to use this valuable plant therefore recently doctors quite often appoint this drug to the patients. Such tincture is applied at treatment of the following diseases:Экстракт сабельника болотного

  • Internal bleedings;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

In the recommended doses use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment of frustration of cardiovascular system is effective. So, from reviews of a sabelnik it became known that this means provides prevention of a stroke.

In complex therapy use of a sabelnik marsh is effective at frustration of a nervous system, namely:

  • Psychasthenia;
  • Fright;
  • Depression;
  • Suicide state.

Contraindications to use of a sabelnik marsh

Use of a sabelnik marsh for treatment is inadmissible at hypotonia and bradycardia. Of course, at hypersensitivity of an organism to drug, you should not apply it.

It is necessary to remember that use of a sabelnik of any disease, marsh at treatment, causes an aggravation in the beginning.

Use of a sabelnik marsh, judging by responses of the giving birth women is undesirable, during pregnancy and a lactation.

Whether you know that:

The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.