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Dry starvation

Сухое голодание - это отказ от воды и едыIn fight for health and an ideal figure many people are ready for everything. Starvation is, in fact, the most extreme technique of weight loss which forces an organism to spend reserves of fatty tissue in the conditions of lack of intake of new nutrients. Many supporters of such method note that the severe stress which had by an organism promotes psychological improvement and recovery of functioning of all vital systems of an organism. During usual starvation of people can accept liquid. In general, without receiving food, the healthy not exhausted person can exist up to 40 days. Dry starvation is the disputable technique prohibiting to eat not only food, but also water during a post. We know that liquid makes 70% of mass of our body and is vital for normal work of a body. The official medicine considers a starvation technique without liquid unacceptable. In conditions when water does not come to an organism, kidneys cannot remove decomposition products of fatty tissue and proteinaceous products. These substances become toxic in high doses. In the next few days after refusal of liquid of people perishes, and being in the obscured condition of mind.

Dry starvation for weight loss

Results of dry starvation for weight loss very modest. Time of hunger is strongly limited. Moreover, during this period few calories due to sharp reduction of an exercise stress and feeling sick are spent. Body weight falls generally because of liquid loss. After the person starts over again drinking, the arrow of scales is returned to almost reference values. Disintegration of fatty tissue makes no more than 200 grams a day. Reviews of dry starvation emphasize what during a diet almost having not felt hungry, but the feeling of thirst was painful. Usually more than 2-3 days dry starvation for weight loss is not used. In general you should not consider this technique how a way to lose weight. If you after all decided to risk the health and to apply starvation without water, remember that important stages are the correct preparation and completion of hunger.

Preparation for a technique and exit from dry starvation

By Shchennikov's technique dry starvation demands preparation within 15-30 days. All these weeks it is required to adhere to a certain diet. The author offers a syroyadeniye. Besides, cleaning procedures and antiparasitic treatment are recommended. Of course, from the point of view of doctors, to an episode of a long absence of liquid it is possible and it is necessary to prepare. At least some days before a technique it is necessary to pass to food with those products which will not give as a result heavy decomposition products. At least, it is necessary to refuse proteinaceous food – meat, eggs, chicken, fish. An important component of the program of Shchennikov is the psychological spirit and moral preparation. Both during preparation, and during the starvation without water to the person recommend to observe silence, to refuse viewing of telecasts and other empty entertainments. An exit from dry starvation proceeds three times longer, than a post. During an exit from dry starvation at first liquid, then easy food is accepted, then the syroyadeniye is applied, and return to a usual diet is possible later.

Starvation without water by author's techniques

Сухое голодание имеет ряд противопоказанийShchennikov's program of dry starvation is the most popular author's technique. Adherents of this system promise wonderful healing in the easy and available way. At least, an opportunity to cure oncology, to activate processes of an angenesis, to stabilize pressure, to reduce reception of medicines, to improve logical thinking is positioned. From science positions words about release of an organism from ekzo-and endotoxins especially doubtfully sound. From the point of view of physiology lack of liquid will cause just accumulation in large numbers of connections, toxic for an organism. The technique assumes 7-11 days of dry starvation, and it is unambiguously possible to call it hazardous to health. Reviews of dry starvation of adherents of a technique sound enthusiastically. Perhaps, it can be explained with the fact that the way is more spirituality and from this point of view has the advantages.

Contraindications to dry starvation

Even on the official sites of author's techniques there are lists of contraindications to dry starvation. Not to cause to the health irreparable injury before beginning dry starvation, talk to the specialist. It is necessary to undergo inspection for detection of chronic diseases. A course needs to be conducted strictly under control of medical personnel. Otherwise results of dry starvation can be very adverse.

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