Main > Medical terms> Vulvovaginitis


Vulvovaginitis (vulvovaginitis, lat. vulva – a cover, a cover + lat. vagina – a vagina + lat. it (словообраз. a suffix) – inflammatory process) – an inflammation of female external genitals and a vagina.

Types of a vulvovaginitis:

  • Diabetic (diabetica) – proceeding against the background of a diabetes mellitus, caused by disturbance of a trophicity of fabrics and characterized by resistance to local therapy;
  • Mycotic (mycotica; synonyms: the milkwoman of a vagina, a vulvovaginitis fungal) – excited by a drozhzhepodobny fungus of the sort Candida and characterized by formation of a white curdled plaque on a mucous membrane of a vulva and a vagina; arises, preferential, at irrational use of antibiotics or decrease in body resistance;
  • Mecotic (trichomonadalis) – the excited Trichomonas vaginalis and which is characterized by foamy allocations of greenish color.
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