Main > Diseases> Toxoplasmosis


Short characteristic of a disease

Заражение человека токсоплазмозом

Toxoplasmosis is among the most widespread parasitic diseases of the person. In the countries of Africa, South and Latin America it infected about 90% of the population. In Western Europe and the USA the number of carriers of an infection reaches 25-50% of the population. In our country, according to physicians, every third person is infected. Despite so considerable scales of distribution, in most cases a toxoplasmosis at the person does not prove in any way. Moreover, many people do not even suspect about its existence. It is connected with the fact that when a toxoplasmosis develops, symptoms are often shown imperceptibly for the patient or are written off by it for any other, already existing "sores". Absolutely other situation develops at severe forms of an infection which strike a nervous system, a liver, a spleen, eyes and muscles of heart.

Types of a toxoplasmosis

Specialists allocate the inborn and acquired toxoplasmosis. In the first case the infection affects a fruit in mother's womb. It is extremely dangerous situation as very often activity of activators leads to heavy disturbances in work of vitals and even death of the child.

The acquired toxoplasmosis is less dangerous. It can have both an acute, and chronic current. In an acute phase patients suffer from the symptoms of a toxoplasmosis reminding typhus: high temperature, increase in a liver, neurologic disturbances. However, the chronic form of a toxoplasmosis at which acute signs are shown not always and if are shown is more widespread nevertheless, then have very weak intensity.

Ways of transmission of infection

It is impossible to catch a toxoplasmosis from the sick person. Partly the fact that the obligatory analysis on a toxoplasmosis is carried out only to pregnant women as they as it was already told above, can transmit a disease to a fruit is explained by this property of an infection. Adults "pick up" activators at the use of incorrectly prepared meat products or at contact with cats who are the main carriers and carriers of toxoplasma. It should be noted once again that in an organism of the new owner activators can quietly exist within several years, without declaring oneself in any way. It is worth worrying only to patients with the weakened immunity as in their case protective barriers are insufficiently strong for counteraction to harmful microorganisms.

Toxoplasmosis at pregnancy

If for ordinary people a toxoplasmosis is only an easy trouble, then a toxoplasmosis at pregnancy quite often turns into accident. It is especially dangerous if future mother for the first time catches it during incubation of the child as in this case in blood of the woman there are no antibodies creating durable immunity. The risk of infection of a fruit increases in process of increase in permeability of a placenta. A toxoplasmosis at pregnancy is most dangerous during the second and third trimesters when the chance of infection of a fruit approaches 25 and 70 percent respectively. In the first three months mother transfers a disease to the child in 1% of cases, but practically always it comes to an end with death of a fruit as the kid at such age has neither immune system, nor any other protective barriers yet.

If the diagnosis a toxoplasmosis is made to future mother, treatment is carried out in the conditions of a hospital that allows to reduce risk of transmission of infection and development of inborn defects. But even at good departure and participation of experienced specialists in half of cases it is not possible to avoid unpleasant effects therefore when planning pregnancy future mother is simply obliged to pay to the health the maximum attention and to make the obligatory test on a toxoplasmosis. Also prevention of a disease is of great importance. For the period of incubation of the child it is reasonable to implement the following recommendations of doctors:

  • if in the house there is a cat, then she should be moved to relatives or acquaintances;
  • crude meat, badly fried thoroughly beefsteaks and other similar "delicacies" is excluded from a diet of the woman;
  • all work with the earth has to be carried out only in rubber gloves;
  • before food it is necessary to wash hands carefully;
  • it is desirable to refuse the use of crude vegetables, fruit and greens, subjecting products at least to the minimum thermal treatment.

The listed above actions are extremely simple, but they are capable to prevent a toxoplasmosis which symptoms quite often come to light too late. You remember it and do everything possible to keep to the child life, except you, to make it there will be simply nobody. Consider also that even at a negative take of the first analyses it is necessary to repeat them every 2-3 month for an exception of accidental infections.

Toxoplasmosis symptoms

No clinical signs allowing to diagnose precisely a toxoplasmosis exist. Most often patients can observe only limited symptoms of a toxoplasmosis:

  • increase in lymph nodes;
  • slight increase of temperature;
  • pharyngitis;
  • eyeglobe choroid inflammation.

Таблетки для лечения токсоплазмоза

As you can see, toxoplasmosis symptoms differ in nothing from manifestations of tens of other diseases that explains objective difficulties at statement of the correct diagnosis. Characteristic symptoms of a disease are observed only at considerable decrease in immunity and severe clinical forms when activity of toxoplasma leads to damages of a brain, an endocarditis and pneumonia.

Treatment of a toxoplasmosis

On condition of strong immune system no specific treatment at a toxoplasmosis is required. To patients with horeorenity and other serious damages of bodies Sulfadiazinum and Pyrimethaminum are appointed. At defeats of TsNS glucocorticoids are recommended. An inborn toxoplasmosis or asymptomatic forms of an infection are treated by means of folic acid and Sulfadiazinum. In similar cases therapy lasts for at least one year that excludes development of serious complications in the future.

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