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Herbs for weight loss

Fight against excess weight has to be conducted on all fronts. Use for this purpose only of diets not so effectively, and in a case with monodiets is also rather unsafe.Травы для похудения - эффективны или нет According to numerous responses, herbs for weight loss will help to lose excess weight and will fill the shortage of microelements caused by restrictions in food.

The herbs helping to lose weight

Officinal herbs for weight loss, depending on a way of action, can be divided into several groups:

  • Lowering appetite;
  • Normalizing work of the alimentary system;
  • Normalizing a metabolism;
  • Cholagogue and diuretic;
  • Laxatives;
  • Being sources of vitamins.

Herbs for weight loss which are designed to reduce appetite affect obvolakivayushche intestines walls, and also can have ability to inflate and fill it, causing sense of fulness. Treat this group: mallow root, angelica medicinal, seeds of flax, spirulin, fucus bubbly. Also infusion corn a rylets will help to quash feeling of hunger if to accept it on one tablespoon during the day before each meal.

Work of the alimentary system is normalized by an anise, parsley, fennel and fennel, and for improvement of a metabolism traditionally use to flow birches, elder flowers, ginger, a turmeric, coltsfoot, rosemary.

To stimulate production of bile and diuretic effect apply a barberry, an immortelle, cowberry leaves, a thorough-wax, the mountaineer bird's, corn columns, a cinquefoil goose, a burdock, a toadflax ordinary, bear ears, a dandelion, a tansy, a horsetail field. These herbs have ability to bring excess liquid out of an organism.

Laxative effect the anise, watch, a buckthorn, a buckthorn, a camomile pharmaceutical, caraway seeds, a yarrow and fennel have. These herbs fight against locks and promote removal of slags from an organism.

Vitamins B, necessary for weight loss, an organism raspberries, nettles, mountain ashes, blackcurrant and a dogrose resupply by means of cowberry.

Grass collecting for weight loss

Especially effectively, on numerous responses to use herbs for weight loss in the form of collecting. In this case components strengthen action of each other.

For preparation of the first infusion take one part of a tsitozira bearded and on two parts of a St. John's Wort and a yarrow. Herbs mix, take two tablespoons of collecting, fill in 500 ml of boiled water and insist 30 minutes. Accept three times a day 200-250 ml.

The second collecting is prepared from the root of a dandelion, parsley, fruits of fennel and leaves of a peppermint taken by one part and three parts of a root of a buckthorn. 2 tablespoons fill in 500 ml of boiled water, insist 30 minutes and drink at one time – in the morning on an empty stomach.

To prepare the third collecting it is required to take an anise and a root of a glycyrrhiza by one part and two parts of a tsitozira bearded. Also 2 tablespoons of collecting fill in 0,5 l of boiled water, insist 0,5 hours and drink three times a day on one glass.

Before preparation of grass collecting for weight loss it is necessary to be convinced of quality of vegetable raw materials: herbs have to be acquired in a drugstore and have the marking testimonial of their safety. Also it is necessary to get acquainted surely with the contraindications which are available for each species of a grass and to check a period of validity.

There is a number of officinal herbs for weight loss which in collecting are capable to reduce blood cholesterol level. Besides they have diuretic and laxative effect, accelerate metabolism and quash feeling of hunger.

For preparation of the first collecting in equal quantities it is required to take the following herbs helping to lose weight: linden flowers, peppermint leaves, flowers of a camomile pharmaceutical, fruits of fennel and flowers of black elder. The received collecting fill in with boiled water – on one part of a grass 20 parts of hot water, to insist in the enameled ware on the water bath within 15 minutes and to accept on one glass 2-3 times a day.

Collecting No. 2: to take by one part of a root of a dandelion, parsley, fruits of fennel and a peppermint, to add three parts of bark of a buckthorn. Two tablespoons of mix fill in with two glasses of boiled water, draw half an hour and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

The third collecting herbs for weight loss is made, having taken by one part of leaves of a birch and coltsfoots, having connected to eight parts of leaves of blackberry, and then the gulf of 10 g of mix of 20 g of boiled water. Infusion is drunk twice a day before food.

The course of reception of herbs for weight loss makes 2-3 weeks. Before its beginning it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Herbal teas for weight loss

Herbs for weight loss in the form of tasty and fragrant teas come to the rescue of persons interested to lose excess weight. Behind their components it is not required to go to fields and meadows – necessary it is easy to get all in the next drugstore. It is possible to make tea for weight loss to own taste – about one component from each group of the herbs listed at the beginning of article for this purpose is required to take.

In order that in the shortest possible time to get rid of extra kilos, it is necessary to take flax seeds, a marjoram, flowers and a grass of daisies, flowers of a blackthorn and a grass of an everlastings. This tea promotes removal from an organism of excess liquid and disposal of hypostases.

Many teas from the herbs helping to lose weight stimulate work of kidneys. Elder, a centaurea, a clover, an immortelle, a ptarmigan-berry, a dandelion and parsley are their part.

To improve blood supply of all bodies and to accelerate a metabolism the tea made of leaves of a nettle and the crushed burdock root will help. Fennel and mint will help to improve taste of any herbal tea. These herbs for weight loss also reduce gas generation and heavy feeling in a stomach.

For preparation of the following tea take on one tablespoon of parsley, a marjoram, a dandelion and nettles and 0,5 tablespoons of mint and fennel. Two tablespoons of the received grass mix fill in with two glasses of boiled water, draw half an hour and filter. Accept twice a day on a half-glass in the morning and in the evening in a warm look. The course lasts three days and during this time it is possible to dump from three to five kilograms.Лучшие травяные чаи для похудения

One more herbal tea for weight loss probably reduces appetite. The feeling of hunger which is often arising at us has subjective character, promotes a systematic overeating and a set of weight. The tea prepared from a dogrose, a laminaria, corn a rylets, a yarrow, a mountain ash, a heather, a sage and a nettle gonochoristic will help to reduce appetite. One tablespoon of mix is filled in with a glass of boiled water, insisted within an hour and filtered. Use between meals during the day on one tablespoon.

Such tea exerts impact on the center of saturation and dulls with that feeling of hunger. The course of its reception should not exceed two weeks not to cause accustoming and decrease in efficiency.

It is possible to find desirable symmetry having prepared such tea: 20 g of a root of chicory, 15 g of bark of a buckthorn, 15 g of parsley, 15 g of leaves of a dandelion, 15 g corn a rylets, 10 g of a peppermint, 10 g of a grass of a yarrow mix, take 2 fat spoons of mix, fill up in a thermos, fill in with boiled water and insist during the night. Filter and accept on a half-glass 3 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food within 1,5-2 months.

During the use of herbs for weight loss it is necessary not to overeat and play sports.

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