Syndrome of "a red eye"
Reddening of eyes quite frequent symptom of visual exhaustion. However red vasculums can appear not only at long reading, work at the computer or viewing of the TV. The syndrome of a red eye, namely so still is called expansion of superficial blood vessels of a sclera, arises for the most various reasons causing irritation of a mucous membrane of an eyeglobe and conjunctiva.
Syndrome symptoms of "a red eye":
The syndrome of "red eyes" is accompanied: reddening of a sclera, education on it small hemorrhages, in certain cases arises a vision disorder ("front sights", spots, etc.), pain.
Syndrome reasons of "a red eye":
Treat origins of this syndrome:
- physical impact (hit in eyes of particles of dust, smoke, decorative cosmetics и.т.п.);
- chemical influence (the chlorinated water, cosmetic drugs, soap, chemical reagents, etc.);
- influence of allergens (allergic conjunctivitis);
- physical overstrain.
Besides, reddening of eyeglobes is quite often observed at infectious and inflammatory diseases of eyes and a syndrome of a dry eye.
Treatment of the Syndrome of "a red eye":
The syndrome of "red eyes" is accompanied: reddening of a sclera, education on it small hemorrhages, in certain cases arises a vision disorder ("front sights", spots, etc.), pain.