DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Urology Morion disease

Morion disease


The inborn sclerosis of a neck of a bladder (Marion's disease) is observed seldom. At boys it is characterized by development of ring-shaped fibrous fabric in submucosal and muscular layers of this zone. Degree of its expressiveness is various. At a histologic research along with fibrosis often find signs of a chronic inflammation in children of advanced age.

Morion disease symptoms:

Symptoms of a disease depend on degree of manifestation of obstruction of a neck and duration of a disease. At insignificant development of fibrous fabric small difficulty of an urination is noted. There is no residual urine, function of a kidney is not broken. At the expressed obstruction the complicated urination is noted and the residual urine comes to light. The sclerosis of a neck of a bladder can progress up to an urination delay as an inconscience with overflow, development of a vesicoureteral reflux, an ureterohydronephrosis and a renal failure.


The sclerosis of a neck of a bladder is established on the basis of data of the ascending uretrotsistografna and uretrotsistoskopiya. UFM in combination with a tsistomanometriya confirms existence of obstruction in a neck and allows to estimate a functional condition of a detruzor.

At an uretrotsistografiya the elation of a bottom and a trabekulyarnost of walls, insufficient contrasting of an urethra is contrasted, at a tsistoskopiya the trabekulyarnost of walls of a bubble is noted, protrusion of a back wall of a neck sometimes is defined, and some patients have a hypertrophy of an interureteric fold. On a tsistogramma a characteristic sign - a bottom elation.

Treatment of a disease of the Morion:

The bladder neck sclerosis by means of use of transcystic operative measures - a longitudinal section, At-shaped plastics or the TOUR which became a choice method now is treated.

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