Cesarean section
- Description
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Cesarean section (Latin caesarea "royal" and sectio "section") — carrying out childbirth by means of band operation at which the newborn is taken through uterus abdominal section.
Planned Cesarean section
Planned Caesarian section is operation which indications for carrying out are defined to permission of pregnancy. The same category includes Cesarean section at will. At planned KS the section becomes horizontally. Indications are:
* Discrepancy of the sizes of a basin of the woman and child's sizes ("a narrow basin")
* Placental presentation — a placenta is located over a neck of uterus, closing ways of an exit for the child
* The mechanical obstacles preventing carrying out natural childbirth, for example, myoma in a neck of uterus
* The menacing hysterorrhesis (a hem on a uterus from former childbirth)
* The diseases which are not connected with pregnancy at which natural childbirth poses a threat for health of mother (a disease of cardiovascular system, kidneys; retina amotio in the anamnesis)
* The pregnancy complications creating threat of life of mother at childbirth (a heavy gestosis — an eclampsia)
* Pelvic presentation or cross provision of a fruit
* Polycarpous pregnancy
* genital herpes at the end of pregnancy (need to avoid contact of the child with a genital tract)
Emergency Cesarean section:
Caesarian section the operation performed is considered emergency when during natural childbirth there were complications menacing to health of mother or child. At the emergency KS the section becomes usually vertically. Possible reasons:
* Slow patrimonial activity or its complete cessation
* Premature amotio of normally located placenta (supply of a fruit with oxygen and perhaps deadly bleeding stops)
* (Menacing) hysterorrhesis
* An acute hypoxia (shortage of oxygen at the child)
* Pre-natal death of a fruit.
* Existence of infections.
* Fruit malformations, incompatible with life.
Before operation previously shave a pubis and insert a catheter into a bladder afterwards to avoid problems with kidneys. After carrying out anesthesia the woman is stacked on the operating table and fence off an upper part of a trunk a screen.
The surgeon does a horizontal section of a front abdominal wall over a pubis, the vertical section from a navel to a pubis that as it is possible bystry to take out the child is in case of emergency made. If there was a scar from the former pregnancies which ended Caesarian with section, the new section becomes on the same place. Then the surgeon moves apart muscles, takes away a bladder aside, does a section on a uterus and opens a bag of waters. The doctor takes the child and crosses an umbilical cord, after that a hand the afterbirth is removed. The section on a uterus is sewn up, recover an abdominal wall and put stitches or brackets on skin. All operation lasts 20-40 minutes.
If the drainage placed in muscular tissue of a stomach was established, then he leaves in 2-3 days after operation; in 5-6 days seams/bracket from skin are removed.

Scheme of performance of operation Caesarian sections