
Producer: Herbion pakistan, Private limited (Herbion Pakistan, Prayvet Ltd) Pakistan
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A13A
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Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Syrup.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: in 10 ml of syrup contains:
extract of fruits of an emblika medicinal dense | 230 mg |
extract of leaves of a lucerne of a sowing campaign dense | 115 mg |
extract of seeds of a trigonella hay dense | 115 mg |
extract of roots of a ginseng Siberian dense | 60 mg |
Excipients: sucrose, malt extract, citric acid anhydrous, methylparahydroxybenzoate, пропилпарагидроксибензоат, глицерол (glycerin), fragrance orange, fragrance strawberry, the water distilled.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Complex phytodrug which effect is caused by the plants which are its part.
Eleuterokokk prickly contains glycosides (eleuterozida of A, B, C, D, E), coumarin derivatives, Aaralyn's alkaloid, сирингорезинол, изофраксидин and the accompanying substances (essential oil, gum, starch, polysaccharides, lipids, pitches, pectinaceous substances, vitamins, microelements). Possesses the expressed stimulating and tonic action. Stimulates intellectual working capacity, improving blood supply of a brain. Exerts impact on TsNS, increasing excitability of a cerebral cortex without noticeable weakening of process of internal inhibition. Increases physical effeciency at the expense of smaller expenses of the lipids interfaced to phosphorylation and the best preservation of balance of ATP in muscles. Reduces the content of glucose in blood (at an easy form of diabetes), exerting positive impact on carbohydrate and phosphorus exchange. Well influences cardiovascular system, has vasodilating effect, causing a pulse urezheniye on 10-12 уд. / mines, moderately reducing the ABP, reducing time of recovery of initial indicators of pulse and the ABP.
Alfalfa (lucerne) contains the easily acquired protein rich with methionine, saponins, folic acid, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B6, B12, microelements. Stimulates appetite due to strengthening of production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Saponins promote decrease in the increased content of cholesterol in blood. Is a source of a protein and vitamins.
Emblika medicinal contains vitamins C, B1, B2, microelements, calcium, phosphorus, iron, pectin. Has antioxidant effect (due to maintenance in large amounts of vitamin C), stimulates an erythrogenesis, biosynthesis of proteins, promotes an angenesis of a mezenkhimny origin (bone dentine and collagen).
The trigonella hay contains alkaloids (sincaline, trigonellin), amino acids (a lysine, lecithin, a histidine), glikozidny saponins (диосгенин, тигогенин), vitamins (carotene, B1, C), minerals (sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, iron). Stimulates the general pancreatic secretion, improving digestion, reduces gas generation, prolongs the lactation period at nursing mothers, increases hemoglobin level.
Pharmacokinetics. Effect of drug is cumulative action of its components therefore carrying out kinetic researches is not possible.
Indications to use:
— general weakness;
— overfatigue, need for increase in working capacity;
— decrease in immunity, frequent colds;
— an astenovegetativny syndrome, a nervous breakdown, vegeto-vascular dystonia on vagotonic type;
— need for decrease in toxic action at chemotherapy, radiation therapy, chronic intoxication;
— a long maintenance therapy when carrying out rehabilitation of patients after a myocardial infarction, injuries, operations;
— prevention and treatment of easy forms of an iron deficiency anemia, rickets and osteoporosis;
— anorexia, loss of appetite, hypotrophy, deficit of body weight;
— heavy exercise, intellectual and mental stresses.
Route of administration and doses:
The adult appoint on 1 capsule or 2 teaspoons of syrup.
To children drug is appointed in the form of syrup on 1 teaspoon.
Drug is accepted by 2 times/days (in the morning and during the lunchtime) after meal. A course of treatment - 30 days.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Clinical data on Alfagin's use at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation are absent therefore purpose of drug is not recommended.
Use at abnormal liver functions. There are no data.
Use at renal failures. There are no data.
Special instructions. Considering tonic action of Alfagin, administration of drug in the second half of day is undesirable.
Sucrose is a part of syrup that should be considered at purpose of drug to the patients keeping to a hypocaloric diet, a sick diabetes mellitus, exudative diathesis.
Side effects:
Perhaps: increase in the ABP, a sleep disorder (at administration of drug for the night), aperient action (at syrup reception), hypersensitivity to drug components.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use Alfagin reduces toxicity of antineoplastic agents.
At simultaneous use Alfagin exponentiates action of androgens and anabolic steroids.
At simultaneous use Alfagin reduces duration of effect of hypnotic drugs and sedatives.
— condition of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases;
— a diabetes mellitus (for syrup);
— hypersensitivity to drug components.
So far drug overdose cases Alfagin are not described.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C. A period of validity of capsules - 2 years, a syrup period of validity - 3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 120 ml of syrup - bottles from dark glass (1) - boxes cardboard.