Absorbent carbon

Producer: LLC ASFARMA Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07BA01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Pharmacological properties:
Drug possesses the adsorbing and nonspecific detoksikatsionny action. In a digestive tract gleam the coal activated connects and brings endogenous and zkzogenny toxic substances of various nature, including microbes and microbic toxins, food-borne allergens, medicines, poisons, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, gases out of an organism.
Indications to use:
It is applied as detoksitsiruyushchy cure for exogenous and endogenous toxicoses of various nature. At complex treatment of food toxicoinfection, salmonellosis, dysentery. At poisoning with medicines (including psychotropic, hypnotic drugs, drugs), alkaloids, salts of heavy metals and other poisons. At the diseases of digestive tract which are followed by dyspepsia, a meteorism. At a food and medicinal allergy. At a hyperbilirubinemia (a viral hepatitis and other jaundices). And hyperazotemias (renal failure). For reduction of gas generation in intestines before ultrasonic and X-ray inspection.
Route of administration and doses:
Apply inside in tablets or, after preliminary crushing, in the form of a water suspension, for an hour to food and reception of other medicines. The necessary amount of drug is parted in ½ glasses of water.
Dosing mode: adult on average 1-2 g 3-4 times a day, the maximum single dose – to 3 g. To children drug is appointed on average at the rate of 0,05 g/kg by 3 times a day depending on body weight, the maximum one-time dose - to 0,2 g/kg of body weight. A course of treatment at acute diseases of-3-5 days, at an allergy and chronic diseases – up to 14 days. A repeated course in 2 weeks according to the recommendation of the doctor.
At acute poisoning treatment is appointed from a gastric lavage with use of a suspension of the coal activated then given in 20-30 g of drug. At a meteorism appoint inside 1-2 g of drug 3-4 times a day. Course of treatment of 6-7 days.
Features of use:
It is recommended to store in the dry place, separately from the substances emitting gases or vapors in the atmosphere. Storage on air (especially wet) reduces sorption ability.
Side effects:
Lock, diarrhea. At prolonged use decrease in absorption from digestive tract of nutrients (fats, proteins), hormones, calcium, vitamins. Coloring a calla in dark color.
Interaction with other medicines:
Absorbent carbon reduces efficiency of at the same time accepted medicines, reduces efficiency of the medicines operating on a mucous membrane of digestive tract (including an ipecacuanha and a thermopsis).
Aggravation of a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, nonspecific ulcer colitis, bleedings from digestive tract, an intestines atony, individual intolerance of drug, co-administration of anti-toxic medicines which effect develops after absorption (methionine, etc.).
Storage conditions:
To store in the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C. Period of validity: 2 years. Not to use after the term specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets of absorbent carbon of 250 mg in planimetric bezjyacheykovy packaging on 10 pieces.