The coal activated the tab. 0,25g No. 10

Producer: JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07B A01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: 1 tablet contains - 0,25 g of the coal activated; excipients: potato starch, talc.
Pharmacological properties:
Coal of a plant origin which thanks to special processing (activation) gets a big sorption surface and is capable to absorb gases, alkaloids, Endo – both exotoxins and other chemical compounds. The coal activated in tablets has a little smaller adsorptive ability, than in the form of powder. Drug not toxic, is well removed from an organism through intestines. Drug from intestines is not soaked up and completely removed with a fecal masses in 8 – 24 hours.
Indications to use:
Acute poisonings with household, industrial and food poisons, medicines, poisoning with alkaloids, salts of heavy metals; dyspepsia, meteorism, food toxicoinfections.
Route of administration and doses:
At a meteorism and dyspepsia adults take from 1 to 3 pill 3 – 4 times a day. At poisonings means is appointed inside the adult in a dose of 20 - 30 g to reception in the form of a water suspension (on 1 – 2 glass of water). Such suspension is used also for a gastric lavage. At a hyperoxemia the adult appoint 1 – 2 g of drug 3 – 4 times a day. For achievement of the bystry and expressed effect of a tablet it is possible to crush and accept in the form of suspension (on 0,5 glasses of water). The course of treatment at acute diseases makes 3 – 5 days, at chronic diseases which are caused by endogenous intoxications, - 10 – 15 days.
Side effects:
At use of the coal activated locks or diarrhea which easily are eliminated with drug withdrawal and purpose of symptomatic therapy are possible. At long use – shortage in an organism of vitamins, hormones, fats, proteins.
Ulcers zheludochno – an intestinal path, gastric bleedings.
Considerable exceeding of the maximum single doses leads to side effect: to nausea, vomiting and locks.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe